-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 9 anti-war protest Portland, OR

Video and Report Back: October 9, 2010 Rally, March and Teach-In

Video and report back from the Portland Rally, March and Teach on October 9, 2010, commemorating the 9th year of the war and occupation in Afghanistan.

Report Back by Peace and Justice Works-

Thanks to all the hearty individuals who braved the rain and rallied in
the South Park Blocks on Saturday, marching over an hour to our teach-in
at PSU! I counted about 100 people in the park and between 100-150
marching down the park blocks, toward the waterfront, and back up
Broadway. It was a spirited crowd who didn't let a little "Oregon
sunshine" get in the way of getting out the message "Money for Jobs and
Education, Not War and Occupation!"

The rally featured music by Morris McClellan; guest speaker Nate from the
Veterans for Peace national board talking about Afghanistan and Iraq;
local JL Dunn of Iraq Veterans Against the War and VFP Chapter 72;
Meredith Reese of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) on the
economic disaster that is the USA; Will Seaman of Jewish Voice for Peace
about the continued failure of US policy in Israel/Palestine; Megan Hise,
coordinator for the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee and
Ismerelda Gonzalez, a PCC student about US policy in Latin America and the
recent raids on activists; and Ali Al Hihi, of Students United for
Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), explaining how the Qu'ran is not a
template for hatred, and asking why, then, all the Islamophobia? Host
Rebecca Nay, interim evening news director at KBOO 90.7 FM, hosted the
rally and kept the energy going, braving mud and rain to make sure the
show would go on.

The march went by a surprising number of pedestrians given the inclement
weather. The No War Drum Corps kept a steady and upbeat pace as the "End
Wars" banner made the 30-plus-block trek, stopping at the World Trade
Center to denounce Wall Street's war on workers and the Oregonian building
to call for "no more lies!"

At PSU, the teach-in began with a 7-member panel, hosted by Nicole Bowmer
of the ISO. There was a crowd of between 70-100 people there, many of whom
were not on the march--you could tell because their clothes and hair were
Presenting were:
Zaher Wahab, an Afghan-American Education Professor
at Lewis & Clark College, who has spent about four months a year in
Afghanistan since 2002; Zaher called for a withdrawal of US troops;
Israa Hasani, an Iraqi-American community activist, gave the historical
picture of US policy in Iraq which led to the rise of the Baath Party (and
Saddam Hussein), the deadly sanctions and war of 1990/1991-2003, and the
invasion and occupation which are still ongoing;
Tasha Triplett, a Senior
at Portland State University and a member of SUPER, gave a scathing report
card on the US supporting the apartheid regime in Israel--that is, while
Palestinians are treated as second class citizens, there is no true
pathway to peace;
Robin Hahnel, a visiting professor in the department of
economics at PSU, made the connection between the failing US economy and
what he called the "imperialist wars" overseas;
Goudarz Eghtedari, director of the American Iranian Friendship Council and an
Iranian-American, described the efforts inside the Obama administration to
push for war on Iran, warning that an attack by the US was more likely
than one by Israel. Alexis Ball, former field director for Witness for
Peace in Mexico, broadly outlined US involvement in Latin America and
focused deeply on the carnage caused by the so called "war on drugs"
fueled both by US demand for drugs and arms supplied by our government to
Kate Chester, community relations manager at Portland Community
College's Sylvania Campus, described her work with the Institute for
Christian-Muslim Understanding and the Arab American Cultural Center of
Oregon in trying to combat anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiments through
dialogue and respect.

At about 2:30, the remaining crowd broke into three "workshops": One
focusing on Iran and scapegoating which included Kate and Goudarz; one
about the economy which included Professor Hahnel, Tim Koch of the ISO and
Pam Allee from the Oregon Community for War Tax Resistance/War Resisters
League; and the third combining Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel/Palestine and
featuring Prof. Wahab, Israa, JL Dunn, Kelly Campbell of Oregon Physicians
for Social Responsibility and September 11 Families for Peaceful
Tomorrows, Wael Elasady of SUPER and MaryAlecia Briggs of Americans United
for Palestinian Human Rights.

In the Smith Ballroom, during the teach-in, about 10 organizations had
literature tables to inform the crowd further. Comments from attendees
leads me to believe that the event was well-received, particular
compliments went to the panelists.

I don't know if there was any mainstream media coverage beyond a great
interview with Tasha on KOIN-6 at 6 PM on Saturday. I saw a few
recognizable local videographers and photographers at each part of the
We did, much to my surprise, get some pre-event coverage at the
Willamette Week blog

( http://blogs.wweek.com/news/2010/10/08/anti-war-rally-this-saturday) and
at KGW

( http://www.kgw.com/lifestyle/weekend/Weekend-Guide-Oct--104178174.html).

It was a good thing so many of the cosponsors had created web pages about
the event, as our website went down for several hours on both Friday and
Saturday mornings!!!

So, from the folks who came early to set up, to the ones who slogged
equipment through the mud and the others who emptied the ballroom when it
was all over, to the many cosponsors and endorsers (especially the PSU
student groups ISO and SUPER, the First Unitarian Church, PPRC and
KBOO!!!) a warm thanks from us here at Peace and Justice Works.

Let's hope that the cumulative effect of these educational events will be
to bring all the troops home, and get money directed to human needs, not

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