-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Class Struggle

The major problem in this world is a class struggle - the haves vs.  the have - nots.  Some have, and do not care about anyone but themselves.  I know a few like this.  It doesn't matter what religion they are.  Some are Wiccans, some are Christians, some are ceremonial magicians.  This was the main cause of the Bolshiviek Revolution.  Marx was right.  So was Engels, and even Nat Turner was in the right to start a slave rebellion that was brutally put down by cruel slave master in the South.

Marx also talked about estrangment, which is the lack of community among the people.  This is a real tactic used by the masters of the slaves (the rich) that seek to control the population with fear, money, control of the mainstream media, and now this disease has seeped into the Internet.  We must protest non-violently as Dr. King said many times, but also not fear using any weapon (ala French Revolution) to fight for our rights as human beings.  We all must use communication to build community in our own cities.  Running off to the woods to avoid the frightening prophecies both Christian and non-Christian (sorry, Rainbow Family, it will just not work that way) is counter productive.  (We need you again to heal this planet.)

No one got their social security raise this year, our US economy is in the toilet and the media lies through their teeth.  As Queensryche wrote in one of their songs "the rich control the government, the media and the law."  In an older post, I wrote that the rich and powerful control people with lobyists, lawyers, corrupt corporate and banking practices, and even through the darkest magics conceivable to humanity.

We can vote with our dollar to boycott these offending companies that want to throw their wieght araound like as if we were mere playthings to their whims and desires.   Caesar Chavez started a boycott on table grapes to protest the deplorable slave wages the grape pickers that endured great poverty were paid.  Dr. Martin Luther King started the Montgomery bus boycott to protest segregation.  All you activists know who these criminals against Mother Earth are.  We must take matters into our own hands before the planet does.

We must also protest loudly in the streets in our cities, and endure once again possibly the water cannons, dogs and even bullets of the jack-booted bullies we call police.

Blessed Be,

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