-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Monday, October 31, 2011


One good thing about Ronald Reagan - He broke up AT&T, a horrible monopoly.


Bury the Comcasket!!!!!!

Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Occupy Portland march

I do support Occupy Portland, and I stand in solidaridy with Occupy Portland.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My bad mistake

There were people I accused badly earlier, but deleted the posts.  I think I have autism (auspergers) or just fear Aynar.  I love Ansela and Aynar very much, and apologize for everything I blew out of proportion.

Not religious

I'm not religious.  I just think it is boring for me.  I just like classic rock now

weed whacker - NOT

Hey, I gave the OTO a bad rap for the most part.  I know they have bad apples and I do not wish to join.  I wonder if the OTO would want marijuana legal?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Retrospect

Feminist Christianity is wrong.  I was involved in it for a short time, renounced it and went back to solitary Wicca (Scott Cunningham).  The men involved in this false belief can be whatever religion they are comfortable with (except satanism, black CM, Alister Crowley magic(k) or any religion that preaches (or teaches violence.)  When I was a Wiccan years ago, I had a problem and a hatred for Christians.  I would always tell people in my coven that I wanted "to throw fireballs at a 'fundie' or put a 'whammy' on one.

Blessed Be

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Marijuana should be legal.  Someone should, if they get busted for pot, should take the case all the way to the Supreme Court on Constitutional grounds of states' rights.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rock n' Roll

This is an inside joke that many people that listen to heavy metal rock musicians use when they are angry.  "The punk rockers call this taking a chill pill in the squat", but many of us (I like both punk and heavy metal [I really dislike blasphemous music of any deity])  Many heavy metallers call this "cooling off in the lake of fire".  For heavy metallers, this involves nothing that does any harm to anyone.  The punk rockers call it "taking a chill pill in the squat" which involves listening to hardcore punk rock."  Some more serious metalheads and punks call these terms slang, while the lighter-hearted ones (ones not as spiritually [getting prayed against or getting the BIble beat into someone - or CM's putting spells on them {or even hexed by bad examples in the Craft}]or physically abused [beaten by some drunk of a father, of sexually abused as a woman}]) call it a joke.  So up the irons, get beaten by a bat, then the Iron Maiden will get you - and you - and YOU!   Iron Maiden wants ALL OF YOU.  you couldn't make it as a punker.  L8tr, dude - Consider yourself deleted. <SNIP>  +++

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Long Time ago...

I believe that in a long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was Anakin Skywalker, raised on Tatooine, taken by two Jedi at the age of 9, fought rashly and recklessly at times in the Clone Wars, was taken in and fooled by Chancellor Palpatine's charm and was seduced by the dark side of the Force.  I then became Darth Vader, and helped the Empire exterminate the Jedi.  I never gave the order to destroy Alderaan - That was Governer Tarkin's fault.  I instinctively grabbed Leia to comfort her, since I sensed something about her.  I faced Luke Skywalker 3 times, the first one was at the fighter battle at Yavin, then he faced me at Bespin, then the last time, he sought me out on the second Death Star.  The Empereror was using Force lightning to fry Luke, then I threw Palpatine down a deep shaft.

Gossip and sin

Michelle Jackman Carr, also called Michelle Julliet Carr is a horrible gossip.  She spread a horrible rumor that I am Satan.  She also practices black magick.  She infiltrated a church in Portland just to try to have sex with me under a different name.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

the beast

deadhead christians - apostate church

The "church of the deadhead Christians", which uses LSD and deals it, possibly committing acid-terrorism with the water supplies of the US and world wide are the apostate church.

titian and Wicca

People think I am Titian, the supposed antichrist.  I am simply a solitary Wiccan that cares about the Earth.  I removed the "beavis and butthead" joke about the "grand bewitchment."  I don't know if Wiccans are involved in this kind of torture, or even Christians.  Maybe someone in the Federal government wants me to make a signed confession or something.


KFBW - "Brew" of Vancouver, WA gives out toxic waste from Sly Sludge.

false prophet

What the false prophet says about calling fire from heaven can either be a fire demon being conjured by a group of black (evil) ceremonal magicians and ordered to possibly destroy a city, or it can be some kind of nuclear device or even an incindedary weapon such as the fire bombing of Dresden, napalm or white phospherus, which burn under water, or other kind of military (could be foreign) or terrorist device.


Michelle Julliet Carr practices Voodoo.

Thrash bands, punk and other bands I like

I do not like thrash (death metal) that glorifies satan or ritual killings, or satanism.  I like bands like Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and bands like them.  I also like bands that joke about, or simply make fun of satan or satanism.

Punk is not junk.  bands that are violent towards the governement were playing during a time when the government and police were violent and oppressive to poor people.  I like Rancid, Aus Rotten, NoFx, the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, the Vandals, and band like them.  About "Anarchy Burger" from the Vandals, they just joke around.

food stamp prgram

The food stamp prgram is crooked.  I am sick of the unfair way the food stamp prgram is treating certain people.  We need to protest this.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Time to shape up.  Or get dropped about 15,000 feet into the Pacific Ocean.  I am sick of "churchianity" in this world.  I do not mind real Christians.  Churchianity people think they are so rich and comfortable running the show.  Did you ever see the movie "2012"?  Well, there are ancient Hopi prophecies about earthquakes the magnitude of 15 to 30 on the Richter scale.  Boy, this can sure flatten Caltech.

Shroud of the dark side

suggestion for the UN

I am throwing out a suggestion for the UN.  It involves a bicamberal assembly.  The upper chamber can be modeled after the US Congress.  The upper house can be like the US Senate, with the representatives in that house appointed by the heads of the countries that are members.  The lower house can be like the House of Representatives, with for example, each state in the USA, by popular election for a 2 year term, elects one member of the lower house.  Maybe the change would make the UN more democratic.  Each nation remains totally independent.

My picks for Democrat and Republican

My favorite Democrat is Franklin Delenor Rosevelt.  When the USA was in the thrall of the Great Depression, he got the New Deal out.  My favorite Republican was Abraham Lincoln.  He came from humble beginnings.  Probably the worst Democrat we ever had, and are still stuck with is Obama.  The worst Republican was George W. Bush, second worst was Ronald Reagan.  The last thing we need in this country is Obama-nomics.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Burning times song

Tribute to our 300 year "tribulation" - 1484 - 1550

It is written

IT IS WRITTEN... that "in my father's house, there are many mansions."  This means that all religions that are kind including Wicca, atheism and agnostics are welcome in heaven.  Just my 2 cents.

online censorship

Yeah, with no anesthesia!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Giant Gorilla

58 foot tall gorilla crawls out of Miyagi, Japan and terrorizes Tokyo.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wicca and respecting Jesus

Please, Wiccans and magical people - Please do respect Jesus, even if you do not agree with the religion of Christianity.  It is like good neighbor policy.  Remember, I am not Jesus or any diety.  I am just a human being like everyone else.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

victim of sorcery

Christine Reyna and Shane Burras did the "End of the world spell", which is a Crowley spell.  It is an evil spell which put the devil into someone.  I was the victim and it caused me to sin against the Holy Spirit.  It is the most evil spell that Alister Crowley did.  It was done at Stonehenge between Halloween and Thanksgiving of 1997.

Open letter to Obama

What right do you have to screw and fuck the poor over.  You have mind fucked the whole nation.  Are you too fundy for your own good?  Well, do some good and quit sitting there like some king.  I only get $35.00 in food stamps and Social Security ripped off money that they owe me.  You sure talk a good game, your magesty, Obama <sarcasticly>

Congressional anti-internet

Congressional Anti-Internet Freedom Bills

Congressional Anti-Internet Freedom Bills- by Stephen Lendman

Net Neutrality is the last frontier of press freedom. With it, consumers have open access to an array of equipment, content, applications and service, free from corporate control. Public interest groups want it preserved. Giant telecom and cable companies want control to:

• establish toll roads, or premium lanes;

• charge extra for speed and free and easy access;

• control content to stifle dissent and independent thought;

• co-opt this essential public space for profit; and

• subvert digital and political democracy.

As a candidate, Barack Obama promised to "(s)upport the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet."

Obama made lots of promises he broke, notably not delivering promised change. Instead, he's been the standard bearer for corrupt political/business as usual, elevating it to more extreme levels at home and abroad.

He governs more like a crime boss in league with Wall Street, America's military industrial complex profiteers, and other corporate favorites.

He systematically spurns democratic values, freedoms, and rule of law principles. Betraying working Americans, he implemented austerity, not vital aid when most needed in hard times.

He ignores growing poverty, hunger, homelessless and despair.

He champions expanded militarism, imperial wars, and state-sponsored terrorism.

He praises murdering American citizens abroad in cold blood. Anwar al-Awlaki broke no laws, but never got due process to explain. He was killed for opposing US imperial lawlessness globally. That perhaps also makes millions at home targets.

He systematically spurns fundamental human and civil rights.

He supports open-ended banker bailouts, other generous corporate handouts, and tax cuts for super-rich elites already with too much.

Will Internet freedom fare better on his watch? It prevents providers from blocking, speeding up or slowing down Web content based on its source, ownership or destination.

Losing it will stifle innovation, limit competition and control. It will also restrict or prevent free access to information.

If lost, consumers will be sacrificed to benefit powerful telecom and cable giants. In fact, they lobby furiously to destroy Internet freedom for greater profits and control of online content.

Many congressional members support them. On February 6, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R. TX) introduced "SJ Res. 6: A joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications with respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices."

The bill was referred to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. No further action so far was taken.

Forty Republican senators co-sponsored it, including Lamar Alexander (R. TN, Susan Collins (R. ME), Lindsey Graham (R. SC), Charles Grassley (R. IA), Orrin Hatch (R. UT), John McCain (R. AZ), Mitch McConnell (R. KY), Rand Paul (R. KY), Richard Shelby (R. AL), and Olympia Snowe (R. ME), and 30 others.

All get generous industry handouts (read bribes) to support legislation harming their constituents.

Writing for freepress.net, Tim Karr headlined "High Noon for Internet Freedom," saying:

This "arcane 'resolution of disapproval' now wend(s) its way through the Senate." If passed, it'll void a recent FCC rule, "seek(ing) to preserve long-held Internet standards that protect users against blocking and censorship."

Many in Washington want these and other protections ended, including AT&T, other telecom and cable giants, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and ExxonMobil, among many others.

With 81 co-sponsors, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R. TN) introduced a similar House measure on January 5, 2011:

"HR 96: Internet Freedom Act: To prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from further regulating the Internet."

The bill was referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee and its Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. No further action so far was taken.

Tea Party favorite Blackburn compares Net Neutrality to communist tyranny, saying:

"The FCC is in essence building an Internet Iron Curtain that will restrict more of our freedom....It is just another example of a federal agency defying the will of the people."

It's making a "vampiric leap from its traditional jurisdiction - the terrestrial radio and land line telephones that have fallen into disuse - onto the gifts piled neatly under our trees. The iPads and iPhones, Androids, Wiis, Webbooks and WiFi will all feel the federal bite in a way they never have before...."

In fact, new FCC rules benefit providers by discriminating favorably for them between wired and wireless Internet access. More on that below.

"(T)he FCC is effectively nationalizing the Web," says Blackburn, adding that "the new Congress will prove a swift antidote to the federal bloodsucker you found at your throat this Christmas."

With support from enough congressional members like her, Internet freedom may be going, going, gone.

In contrast, at least 90% of Americans want Net Neutrality preserved. Whether or not Congress goes along is very much in doubt.

If measures like SJ Res. 6 and HR 96 pass, FCC power to protect Internet freedom will be lost. Cable and telecom giants will subvert digital democracy as explained above.

They'll be able to wreck "open architecture that has made the Internet a great equalizer for all users," according to Karr.

They want Congress to let them "manage the abundance of user-driven innovations online," as well as updated future versions and new technologies.

They claim ending open access will best manage Internet traffic and content efficiently. Corporations want greater profits. They and congressional hard-liners also fear free flowing information and global democratic organizing movements online.

Occupy Wall Street protests are enlisting supporters nationwide this way. So have others worldwide for denied freedoms and others lost.

At issue is will everyone reading articles like this online mobilize to save what perhaps they'll lose otherwise.

Free expression and other fundamental freedoms are on the line. It's up to ordinary people to save them.

A Final Comment

A September 28 freepress.net press release headlined, "Free Press Files Suit to Challenge FCC's Open Internet Rules," saying:

Free Press "will challenge the arbitrary nature of rule provisions that provide less protection for mobile wireless Internet access than they do for wired connections."

According to Free Press Policy Director Matt Wood:

Open Internet rules "came with the understanding that there is only one Internet, no matter how people choose to reach it."

New FCC rules "fail to protect wireless users from discrimination, and they let mobile providers block innovative applications with impunity."

Arbitrarily discriminating between wired and wireless Internet access is unjustified, especially as wireless popularity grows.

Free Press promises to "fight in court" for stronger rules. They want equal protections for everyone online. Digital democracy depends on it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen (at) sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Obama's police state

Police State Justice Under Obama

police state
Police State Justice Under Obama - Stephen Lendman

Lawlessness, injustice, and contempt for democratic values define his administration. He delivered change all right - for the worst, and nothing ahead looks promising.

Obama-style "rules of engagement" include bullets, bombs, slit throats, knives in the back, or drone attacks justice.

Targeted victims are declared guilty by accusation. Due process and judicial fairness are discarded artifacts. US citizens are as vulnerable as global enemies.

No one is safe anywhere in a world ruled by rogue leaders, taking the law into their own hands with impunity.

As a result, freedom and security were jettisoned to memory hole oblivion. Let's count the ways.

Muslims are targeted for their faith, ethnicity, and at times prominence and charity.

Torture remains official US policy.

America's domestic and overseas gulags match the worst anywhere. Out of sight and mind, inmates are dehumanized and brutalized.

America's business is war and grand theft globally. Countries are raped and pillaged on the pretext of humanitarian intervention.

Everyone except corporate favorites and complicit elites suffer.

Ten Muslim Southern California students were convicted for exercising their First Amendment rights. Others are hunted down and prosecuted ruthlessly for political advantage.

Thousands of political prisoners suffer unjustly, including undocumented Latinos here because destructive trade pacts destroyed their livelihoods.

State-sponsored murder is official policy. Innocent victims include Troy Anthony Davis. Others wait their turn on death row. Federal, state and local authorities call it justice. Human rights activists call it crimes against humanity.

Murdering Anwar Al-Awlaki

CIA operatives and Special Forces death squads are authorized to kill US citizens abroad. For any reason or none at all without evidence, they're hunted down and murdered in cold blood.

Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was a US citizen living in Yemen, targeted for opposing US belligerency, not alleged or committed crimes.

His murder and others put Americans and everyone at risk globally if outspoken against imperial Washington lawlessness, including waging permanent global wars against humanity to profit handsomely from wreckage spoils.

After him, who's next? Maybe writers expressing outraged criticism. Maybe media hosts on air, and speakers justifiably denouncing rogue crimes.

Under Obama-style justice, they're potential targets, putting everyone at risk for speaking publicly against rampaging government criminality. Administration and congressional officials are recklessly out-of-control and unhinged, without morals or ethics. They fail to distinguish between right and wrong.

In September 2009, it was learned that then Central Command head (now CIA boss) General David Petraeus issued secret orders to covertly deploy US Special Operations forces to 75 or more Middle East, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa countries.

By implication, it meant anywhere in the world to "penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy" terror threats and "prepare the environment" for planned military attacks.

In other words, to make the world safe for Wall Street banks, war profiteers, and other Western capitalist predators.

Previous attempts to kill Al-Awaki failed, even though international human rights law permits lethal force in peacetime only when imminent deadly attack threats exist. Even then, killing is a last resort after other exhausting other measures.

Under international or US law, designating US citizens or anyone terrorists based on suspicions without proof is egregious by any standard. Moreover, no one should be denied due process and judicial fairness.

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) condemned Al-Awlaki's killing, saying:

"The assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki by American drone attacks is the latest of many affronts to domestic and international law, said Vince Warren," CCR Executive Director.

"The targeted assassination program that started under (Bush) and expanded under Obama essentially grants the executive" extralegal judge, jury, and executioner power.

"If we allow such gross overreaches of power to continue, we are setting the stage for increasing erosions of civil liberties and the rule of law."

Post-9/11, in fact, rule of law justice was trashed for political expediency. It no longer applies when unchallenged under presidential supremacy authority.

Obama elevated Bush era lawlessness to a higher level. As a result, no one anywhere targeted can hide or get justice.

Political Washington praised Al-Awlaki's murder. Falsely accusing him of crimes, Obama called it a "major blow" against Al Qaeda, vowing to target anyone America (without evidence) calls part of a global terrorist network.

US major media scoundrels approved, including a Washington Post editorial headlined, "Killing of Anwar al-Aulaqi was clearly justified," saying:

Doing so "was clearly justified, both legally and morally. (He) was dangerous, (and) Obama was right to place him on a target list. Considerable evidence supports the administration's contention that (he) played a direct role in attempted attacks on the United States, including the failed bombing of an airplane on Christmas day 2009..."

Fact check

Killing Al-Awlaki was morally indefensible extralegal murder. No evidence whatever connected him to crimes.  He had nothing to do with the alleged Amsterdam-Detroit bound Christmas day incident.

The alleged culprit, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian citizen, was set up. Denied a UK entrance visa, he avoided a no fly list. He paid cash for a one-way ticket, checked no luggage, had a US visa but no passport, and was helped on board by a well-dressed Indian gentleman, facilitating Washington's false flag plot. Abdulmutallab was used as a convenient dupe.

Moreover, his so-called (PETN) explosive was so weak and technically deficient it failed to go off properly, and its fire cracker strength assured no possibility of damaging the aircraft, let alone down it.

"Perhaps more significant, (Awlaki), a charismatic teacher and fluent English speaker was instrumental in inspiring would-be jihadists in the United States and other Western countries...."

Fact check

No evidence proves he inspired violence anywhere. Moreover, whether in or out of the country, America's Constitution protects First Amendment rights without which all others are at risk - including Washington Post editorial writers' freedom to wrongfully slander Al-Awlaki and call murder justified.

Calling him dangerous, however, "(h)e was consequently a legal and justified target of American forces, acting under the international principle of self-defense...."

Fact check

Unproved accusations have no legal validity. A serial aggressor, America never acts in self-defense. Moreover, individuals or groups defending themselves against US attacks are called "terrorists," including by major media op-ed and editorial writers, lying to support wealth and power.

On September 30, ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer explained what media scoundrels won't say: namely that:

Targeted killing "violates both US and international law."

ACLU National Security Project Litigation Director Ben Wizner added:

"If the Constitution means anything, it surely means that the President does not have unreviewable authority to summarily execute any American (or anyone else) whom he concludes is an enemy of the state."

Doing so makes him a war criminal - an enemy of rule of law justice.

A Final Comment

Obama's lawlessness also embraces Military Commissions justice. It includes sweeping unconstitutional powers to detain, interrogate, and prosecute alleged suspects and collaborators (including US citizens), hold them (without evidence) indefinitely in military prisons, and deny them habeas and other constitutional protections.

The Military Commissions Act also authorized torture to extract confessions and other extralegal police state powers, including denying speedy trials or any at all.

In May 2009, Obama also authorized preventive detentions of anyone "who cannot be prosecuted yet who pose a clear danger to the American people," even with no evidence proving it.

Whether short, long-term or indefinite, preventive detentions violate core legal principles, including the Constitution's Fifth Amendment, stating:

"No person....shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...."

Indefinite detentions, military tribunals, targeted assassinations, and other extralegal policies are indefensible in democratic civil societies.

Under Obama, however, they're official policy.

As a result, out-of-control executive power threatens everyone, especially when cheerled by media scoundrels.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen (at) sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Monday, October 3, 2011


Please, Christians, I just do not like legalism.  Jesus didn't either.  Wiccans want to heal the earth, but not all witches are good.  Some do go bad.  Take this for example.  Anikin Skywalker was a good man, but he was seduced by the dark side of the Force.  He saw Senator Palpatine as a father figure.

About my scary pictures

I just like drawing scary pictures and I like horror movies, as well as death metal.  That is how I face my dark specter.  I'm not evil, I just like to look scary.  I also like Halloween.   It is just my twisted sense of humor.

Wiccans and Crowley

Wiccans are not Crowley students.  Crowley students "play God (or Goddess).  I do not know what the end of the world spell is, but it is a perversion of magic.  Scott Cunningham would disapprove of this kind of "magick" and would never use anything that evil demonic man Crowely would write execept the Gardenarian spells.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

rich, snob,crook

Some rich snob in SF is ruining out ROMS!!!!!!  Fuck you, bitch!

Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance


This is from the 1981 movie "Scanners"

Your're fired

"You're Fired!!!" - originally done by Mr. Spacely

Wiccans and humor

Some Wiccans like to joke about scary or "evil" things.  Some kid about demons, some like death metal and some like horror movies.  Some do not.  They are too religious about their craft, and some ceremonial magicians tell inside joke to do harm to an individual they do not like.  I even like some Slayer (their old stuff that is quite tamer.  Some Wiccans like me only do magic when they need to.  Some practice "magick" tm OTO 1891, which conjures demons and the shades of people living and dead to harm people or make themselves millonaires.

The Exorcist

Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham was a kind Wiccan.  He wrote "The Truth about Witchcraft Today", "Wicca - A guide for the Solitary practitioner" and "Living Wicca" as well as books about metal and gem magic, and herbalism.  Many people beleive that Wiccans go to "hell".  I do not even acknowledge the place.  It is a gimmick created by the church to scare people into obedience to the churchmen.  The mixture of government and church and government (the king) caused the holcaust called the burning times.  The Goddess and God are real.  Wiccans do not even call themselves a "church".  There are solitaries, small groups are called covens and larger groups are called groves.  We love nature, and we care about our cities, though we are not perfect.  We do our best to "do as we will and harm none".  This is freedom with responsibility.  Blessed Be.

Death Electric

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hell's new spokesman.

Loyalty Oath

I, Riverwind (Martin J. Carr, Jr) hereby swear and affirm a loyalty oath to the Constitution of the United States of America including the Bill of Rights.

Riverwind )O(

Ozzy and freedom

"I speak for freedom and I am English"

the Lorax

Shocking, political joke

Time for us to bullhook the Republican elephant into submission. <haha>  Make Reagan gyrate in his grave.

Jesus and freedom

Jesus, for many people of all faiths including Wicca (that follows the Wiccan Rede), died for freedom.  Too many people died for freedom, inlcuding the Christians that were persecuted in Rome, the many that were accused of witchcraft in the middle ages and burned at the stake, the ones who fought and died in the American Revolution and the many who died in both world wars.

Kill Switch

Portland Police