This is a free-speech blog and is not owned by the corporations or the rich and powerful. This is a blog of the people. I am a environmentalist socialist (kind of like what they have in Sweeden). Feel free to comment on this blog or give constructive criticism of this free-speech online newspaper.
-Quote from George Washington-
"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
To Christine Reyna
Why the hell do you make me burn on my abdomen? Are you acting like old anally retenative Shane?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Other religions
And they will know we are Christians by our love.
Even people in other religions have more love than some of these celebrity preachers on TV, as well as the rich who just "play church". Wiccans, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims as well as some atheists and agnostics care more about social issues than some of these people who call themselves "Christian".
Not all Christians are like this, but I have seen some of these prosperity preachers on TV. I do not agree with the idea of giving all of one's paycheck that needs to pay the bills to a preacher. To be fair, some Witches do evil spells for pay. On the same note, I call hypocrite Christians "X-tian" and many do pray against people, which I believe is a form of psychic attack. (Not all Christians are hypocrites - such as my friend, Jeanne who prays for the rainforests.)
Even people in other religions have more love than some of these celebrity preachers on TV, as well as the rich who just "play church". Wiccans, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims as well as some atheists and agnostics care more about social issues than some of these people who call themselves "Christian".
Not all Christians are like this, but I have seen some of these prosperity preachers on TV. I do not agree with the idea of giving all of one's paycheck that needs to pay the bills to a preacher. To be fair, some Witches do evil spells for pay. On the same note, I call hypocrite Christians "X-tian" and many do pray against people, which I believe is a form of psychic attack. (Not all Christians are hypocrites - such as my friend, Jeanne who prays for the rainforests.)
Friday, August 26, 2011
About Jeanne
My friend and adopted baby sister, Jeanne went to an African-American Church in the Bay Area, just asking for a place to stay, and those gossips falsely accused her of being full of demons. Over 35 churches have treated this poor Native American. like trash for being poor, autistic and in Wallowa County, Oregon, for being native American. Chief Joseph was ran out of the Wallowas in 1877, and years later, Taz Conner started the Nez Perce Homeland Project. Tamkaliks was started by the Conner Family.
Needless to say, Jeanne is about the best Christian that I ever knew, and is not even a celebrity preacher.
If you delete this, the PUNX police will arrest you, try you and kick you A** with Black Flag
Needless to say, Jeanne is about the best Christian that I ever knew, and is not even a celebrity preacher.
If you delete this, the PUNX police will arrest you, try you and kick you A** with Black Flag
Thursday, August 25, 2011
about Wicca
Wicca is an accepted, legal religion in almost all English speaking countries. About 900 countries accept it and it is legal there. It was first legalized in England. It is not a church, and large groups should be called groves. (groves is a druid idea.) Some think it is the "apostate church" from the book of revelation in the Christian Bible. Wiccan covens and solitarys are autonomous. We call individual covens "Circles" and Wicca as a whole is called the Craft. By the way, "perfect love and perfect trust" is within a coven and not in the Craft as a whole. It is not perfection either. (We perfect ourselves over lifetimes. By the way, those who are deemed "Warlocks" (traitors to a coven) can still be Solitary Wiccans. Just mind the rule of three and harm none.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Google Sites
I want Google Sites to F'ing work NOW!!! I am sick of the hackers. It is probably some rich spoiled bitch committing these crimes.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Announcement - Book of Shadows
There is a book of shadows (spell book) designed for solitary Wiccans on my web site. It can easiliy be adapted for coven use. It includes a file for download and the individual files to view or download.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Romans did not persecute Christians for being too religious. They persecuted them for being too unreligious. They persecuted them for sedition (some of them), atheism, many for sorceery, and not worshipping the Emperor.
The Mideval church burned witches for sorcery, they also wanted to eradicate the herbal villiage healers.
Many, in my opinion do pray against Wiccans that are well known to this day.
The Mideval church burned witches for sorcery, they also wanted to eradicate the herbal villiage healers.
Many, in my opinion do pray against Wiccans that are well known to this day.
Republics and empires
There are two examples of how republics became empires -
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,
The Galactic Republic was guarded by the Jedi, particularly from the Sith, which were an evil order of Force sensitive individuals that used the dark side of the Force. Often times a Sith student would kill his master and gain his Dark side powers. One Sith master in particular, Darth Sideous, also known as Senator Palpatine had several students. They were Darth Maul and Lord Taranus, known also as Count Dooku. Palpatine took the seat as Supreme Chancellor, and seduced Obi Wan's padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force. Palpatine named him Darth Vader. Vader killed Jedi younglings, as well as killing his own wife, Padme, who was a senator of Naboo. Padme was once queen of Naboo. Padme gave birth to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. Obi Wan separated them at birth to hide them from Palpatine, who became Galactic Emperor. There was a rebellion against the empire that lasted several years. In the process, two Death Stars were built, one that destroyed Alderann in a test fire and one that was incomplete and was destroyed by Lando Calrisian who joined the Rebellion after helping rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt.
Another empire happened on this planet. It was Rome, and Rome started as a republic. Emperors were considered divine (none of us are dieties) and their word was law. They persecuted Christians, the two worst ones were Nero and Diocletion.
Another almost empire started as the Wiemer Republic. It was formed after World War I. Hitler rose to power in this case. He systematically killed 8 million Jews, 3 million Gypsies and countless anarchists and communists in death camps.
We must never have anymore empires. We considered the USSR the "Evil Empire" and the USA has been involved in wars in Central America, Iraq and Afghanastan.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,
The Galactic Republic was guarded by the Jedi, particularly from the Sith, which were an evil order of Force sensitive individuals that used the dark side of the Force. Often times a Sith student would kill his master and gain his Dark side powers. One Sith master in particular, Darth Sideous, also known as Senator Palpatine had several students. They were Darth Maul and Lord Taranus, known also as Count Dooku. Palpatine took the seat as Supreme Chancellor, and seduced Obi Wan's padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force. Palpatine named him Darth Vader. Vader killed Jedi younglings, as well as killing his own wife, Padme, who was a senator of Naboo. Padme was once queen of Naboo. Padme gave birth to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. Obi Wan separated them at birth to hide them from Palpatine, who became Galactic Emperor. There was a rebellion against the empire that lasted several years. In the process, two Death Stars were built, one that destroyed Alderann in a test fire and one that was incomplete and was destroyed by Lando Calrisian who joined the Rebellion after helping rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt.
Another empire happened on this planet. It was Rome, and Rome started as a republic. Emperors were considered divine (none of us are dieties) and their word was law. They persecuted Christians, the two worst ones were Nero and Diocletion.
Another almost empire started as the Wiemer Republic. It was formed after World War I. Hitler rose to power in this case. He systematically killed 8 million Jews, 3 million Gypsies and countless anarchists and communists in death camps.
We must never have anymore empires. We considered the USSR the "Evil Empire" and the USA has been involved in wars in Central America, Iraq and Afghanastan.
The Dieties
I just want to say that I am not a diety. I believe that the Goddess and God exist as a part of me, and in everyone else too. They exist in animals, trees, rocks, the Earth and the universe. I care about the planet deeply and though I never participated in monkeywrenching, I do condone it in emergencies. It just stops the bleeding of our planet. Blessed Be.
Wicca vs Roman Militarism
Wicca is different from Roman militarism. Wiccans are healers. Some Pagans that are Asatru (worshippers of the Norse Gods) are warriors. The Romans were into conquest and ultimately paid the price. The Germans sacked Rome and basically trashed it. Wicca is a reconstruction of the Druids, who beleived in a Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone) and a young God and Old God.
to be a Wiccan
You do not have to renounce your former religion except if it is satanism to become a Wiccan. You must renounce satanism to be a Wiccan.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
no smoking
The no-smoking policies and laws of Portland are insane. Just remember that old insane Hitler hated cigarettes smoked in his presence.
the evil man
There is an evil man in a mansion in Bombay, India that conjures demons and does black CM to try and start the end of the world (Ragnarok to you Norse buffs)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
videotaping of police beating
Woman charged after videotaping police beating the shit out of someone
author: Film the police
Here we go again. This time the officer claims his 'privacy was violated'. A court here in Oregon ruled that Beaverton Police had no expectation of privacy when filmed in public. link to
Criminal Charges Filed Against Woman For Filming And Exposing A Brutal Police Beating Cover Up That Left A Man Partially Blind And With Skull And Face Fractures
A Massachusetts police officer whose involvement in a brutal police beating was video taped has filed criminal charges against the women who video taped the incident and exposed the cover up. The officer is claiming the taping invaded his right to privacy and was a violation of state wiretapping laws.
During the incident Melvin Jones, whose picture is shown below, was left with a fractured skull, partial blindness in one eye, and fractured bones all over his face.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
about resentment
Please Wiccans, will you get over your resentment over Jesus and Christianity in general? It is counterproductive and does no good.
Hypocrites and black magicians
I care about people from all religions except black (evil) ceremonial magicians, satanists and hypocrites of all kinds. I make mistakes. I am only human and I am being magically oppressed by evil magicians. They conjure demons and practice black ceremonial magic. Satanists kill cats (they love to kill black cats on Halloween) and Samhain is a kind sabbat where Wiccans remember people who have passed on. Samhain falls on near the same date (Oct. 31) as Halloween, but varies. (Sun is 7 degrees Scorpio.) Black ceremonial magicians of all kinds, including those who follow Allister Crowley conjure and send demons to harm people. By the way, I thought Ansela was a Crowley magician. All apologies to her.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jesus Christ
The host of the "Jesus Christ" show, "Jesus Christ" is a total fraud. He is full of Barney's Blarney. I am a Wiccan and I see right through this fake. He thinks he can call fire from heaven, well it is just someone with connections to blow up a city on this planet with a nuclear bomb. What utter bullsh*t!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Crystals should not be mined for "New age" purposes. This is for the reason that they strip-mine them. Strip mining is very bad for the planet and these crystals should be in their in their place - in the earth.
The Jungle
The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair.[1] Sinclair wrote the novel to portray the life of the immigrant in the United States, but readers were more concerned with the large portion pertaining to the corruption of the American meatpacking industry during the early-20th century, and the book is now often interpreted and taught as only an exposure of the industry of meatpacking. This was not Sinclair's intention for the book though and not what he would have liked it to be famous for. The novel depicts in harsh tones poverty, absence of social programs, unpleasant living and working conditions, and hopelessness prevalent among the working class, which is contrasted with the deeply-rooted corruption on the part of those in power. Sinclair's observations of the state of turn-of-the-century labor were placed front and center for the American public to see, suggesting that something needed to be changed to get rid of American wage slavery.[2] The novel was first published in serial form in 1905 in the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason. It was based on undercover work done in 1904: Sinclair spent seven weeks gathering information while working incognito in the meatpacking plants of the Chicago stockyards at the behest of the magazine's publishers.[3] He then started looking for a publisher who would be willing to print it in book form. After five rejections by publishers who found it too shocking for publication, he funded the first printing himself.[3] It was published by Doubleday, Page & Company on February 28, 1906 and has been in print ever since.
[edit] Plot summary
The novel opens with a dramatic description of a Lithuanian wedding feast hosted by the Liermans, which introduces the reader to all of the major characters and some of the secondary characters: Jurgis Rudkus (originally "Rudkos"[4]), his bride Ona, their extended family and their friends. Nearly every person who has passed by the building has been invited to attend the feast, as was the custom from the old country. Musicians play, the guests dance, food and drink flow freely, but an undercurrent of terror foreshadows what is to come, their generous hospitality has cost them much, but the traditional donations expected of the guests are few in number and small in size. Lured away from Lithuania by promises of work, Rudkus and his bride's family have arrived in the Back of the Yards neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois at the end of the 19th century, only to find their dreams of a decent life unlikely to be realized. Jurgis has brought his father Antanas, his fiancée Ona, her stepmother Teta Elzbieta (literally "Aunt Elizabeth") and Teta Elzbieta's six children. Teta Elzbieta's brother Jonas and Ona's cousin Marija Berczynskas have accompanied them.
From the beginning, they have to make compromises and concessions to survive. They quickly make a series of bad decisions that causes them to go deep into debt and fall prey to con men. The most devastating decision comes when, in hopes of owning their own home, the family falls victim to a predatory lending scheme that exhausts all their remaining savings on the down-payment for a sub-standard slum house that (by design) they cannot possibly afford. The family is evicted and their money taken, leaving them truly devastated.
The family had formerly envisioned that Jurgis alone would be able to support them in the United States, but one by one, all of them — the women, the young children, and Jurgis's sick father — have to find jobs in order to contribute to the meager family income. As the novel progresses, the jobs and means the family uses to stay alive slowly and inevitably lead to their physical and moral decay.
They faced a cruel world of work in the Chicago Stockyards, where everyone has his or her price, where everyone in a position of power, including government inspectors, the police and judges, must be paid off, and where blacklisting is common. A series of unfortunate events — accidents at work, a number of deaths in the family that under normal circumstances could have been preventable — leads the family further toward catastrophe. Jurgis Rudkus, the book's main character, is young, strong, and honest, but also naïve and illiterate; this Lithuanian farmboy is no match for the powerful forces of American industry and he gradually loses all hope of succeeding in the New World. After Ona dies in childbirth — for lack of money to pay for a doctor — and their young son drowns in the muddy street, he flees the city in utter despair. At first the mere presence of fresh air is balm to his soul, but his brief sojourn as a hobo in rural United States shows him that there is really no escape — even farmers turn their workers away when the harvest is finished.
Jurgis returns to Chicago and holds down a succession of jobs outside the meat packing industry — digging tunnels, as a political hack, and as a con-man — but injuries on the job, his past and his innate sense of personal integrity continue to haunt him, and he drifts without direction. One night, while looking for a warm and dry refuge, he wanders into a lecture being given by a charismatic Socialist orator, and finds a sense of community and purpose. Socialism and strong labor unions are the answer to the evils that he, his family and their fellow sufferers have had to endure. A fellow Socialist employs him, and he resumes his support of his wife's family, although some of them are damaged beyond repair.
The book ends with another Socialist rally, which comes on the heels of several recent political victories. The speaker encourages his comrades to keep fighting for victories, chanting "Chicago will be ours!"
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Negative magic
Though I did not do negative magic that often, I did it every so often. I got my "karma time". What goes around really does come around - threefold. I also learn, though I do so slowly.
The false prophet is full of *LOL* blarney - Barney's blarney. He sez he calls fire from heaven - Well, the Japanese probably know what really happened - So does Dave Mustaine.
Black ceremonial magicians and satanists
Black (evil) ceremonial magicians conjure or summon demons, and compell them to attack people magically. Some of this ilk (very few in number) even compell the good angellic beings to do things they do not wish to do. The OTO does have a few "bad apples". Alister Crowley was totally evil. He even did "revenge spells".
Satanists are another group. most follow Anton LaVey, and many Satanist women follow LaVey's daughter, Zeena LaVey. The women that follow Zeena Lavey call themselves "satanic witches". They paratice Voodoo and doll sorcery. Satanists hate Wiccans more than they hate Christians.
Heavy metallers for the most part just joke about horror movies, as well as demons. They are harmless. Ozzy Osbourne is not evil. Neither was Metallica's bassist, Cliff Burton.
Satanists are another group. most follow Anton LaVey, and many Satanist women follow LaVey's daughter, Zeena LaVey. The women that follow Zeena Lavey call themselves "satanic witches". They paratice Voodoo and doll sorcery. Satanists hate Wiccans more than they hate Christians.
Heavy metallers for the most part just joke about horror movies, as well as demons. They are harmless. Ozzy Osbourne is not evil. Neither was Metallica's bassist, Cliff Burton.
Wicca and Christianity
I'm a Wiccan and I feel that we should have no ill will towards Christians and Jews. The reason I called feminist Christianity "Xtianity" was to drive the point home that this heresy is wrong. If you are a part of this, and you are a feminist, just become a Dianic Wiccan, and if you are alone and believe in this, just do the self dedication found in "Wicca - a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner". Us pagans had much ill will towards Christians in Rome. We need to learn from our mistakes there. Blessed Be. If you are angry at Christians, just listen to heavy metal rock music.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
LSD is a horrible drug. I have taken about 500 hits of LSD in my entire life and quit years ago. I once had a very bad trip in Santa Cruz on acid.
The Burning times
The term burning times has come to refer to "any threatened return of prejudice against or persecution of Witches and neo-Pagans by other religious groups, law enforcement agencies, employers, politicians and others." (See: Helms Amendment)Needless to say, because of superstition, cats, especially black cats were burned alive also. The burning times was a 300 year tribulation for Witches and Wiccans.
Historically the term designated, especially for witches, the period within Western history in which there occurred intense burning, also the various types of murdering of witches. This period is known for its vindictive witch-hunts which extended from the mid-15th century to the early 18th century.
The idea of burning witches, one of the cruelest forms of execution, is said to have originated with Saint Augustine (354-430), who said "that pagans, Jews, and heretics would burn forever in eternal fire with the Devil unless saved by the Catholic Church."
Witches, also were classed as heretics, during the time of the Inquisition. Heretics were not only disbelieves of the church doctrine, but, many also were accused of beings servants of the Devil by forming compacts with him to get his help. The accused were sentenced to execution by burning when found guilty of heresy, and few escaped this conviction of the church, which practically controlled every aspect of human life, because "Fire itself is the element of purification, and nothing less than fire could negate the evil that was said to be witches."
The 16th century demonologist, Jean Bodin, stated in De la Demonomanie des Sorciers:
Even if the witch has never killed or done evil to man, beast, or fruits, and even if he has always cured bewitched people, or driven away tempests, it is that he has renounced God and treated with Satan that he deserves to be burned alive...Even if there is no more than the obligation to the Devil, having denied God, this deserves the most cruel death that can be imagined.
However, all witches were not burned at the stake. It seems various countries had their preferred forms of execution. Hanging was preferred in England and the American colonies. In France, Scotland and Germany it was the custom to first strangle the condemned witches, as an act of mercy, before sending them to the hanging stand or garroting, and then cremating them to ashes.
Many witches were burned alive, needless to say. It is alleged by church authorities that many who were burned had either recanted their confessions at the last moment or did not repent for their crimes. The burnings were executed by civil authorities because the church would have no part in the murdering of people. An elaborate accounting system connected with the burnings was established which included expenses for the trail and the prisoner's incarceration in jail. Some trial in Scotland show that the burning of a witch consumed 16 loads of peat plus wood and coal. This debt was attached to the condemned person's estate or relatives. If the debt was so large, more than the person's estate value, or more than one generation of relatives could pay off, then it was carried over to the next generation.
It might be asked who collected this money? Usually it was collected by three parties in the time of the Inquisition: the Church, the Inquisitors, and the civil authorities. Here might be added two interesting details which helps to explain the popularity and the terminus of the Inquisition. The Church did not favor the Spanish Inquisition because the Royalty did not give a proportion of the property of the condemned to the church, and when the Papacy said such property could no longer be confiscated the Inquisition abruptly ended.
Witch lynchings and burnings continued infrequently into the late 19th century in England, Europe and Latin America. There are no reliable accounts as to the exact number of witches executed. Only estimates can be made. During the 150 year period of the Inquisition, in Germany where the most fierce witch hunts occurred, the minimum estimates range from 30,000 to 100,000.
A witch burning was a great public spectacle. Most of the village's population turned out to witness it. It has been pointed out that more burnings occurred in small hamlets than larger towns or cities because in the villages people were more superstitious. Also, neighbor was more likely to spy and tell on neighbor. This did occur, especially during the torturing of the witches. Many said their neighbors were witches in order to escape more suffering.
Usually the burning occurred shortly after sentencing. The interval between was just long enough to hire the executioner, construct the execution site and gather the fuel. However, in Scotland, the burning was preceded by days of fasting and preaching. The witch was strangled first, sometimes not completely. Then she was drugged unconscious or semiconscious to where she was tied to a stake or dumped into a barrel of tar and set afire. If the witch was not dead and managed to escape the flames then onlookers would shove her back into the fire.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
about "Robin Hood"
I am the one who posted the infamous story of "Robin Hood". So many people got things stolen from them because of my fiction. It was about people breaking into computers and stealing money from the rich and giving to the poor.
I at least care...
I at least care about the Earth. I get very anry at treated like sh*it. I care about only non hypocrites. I hate prestentious religious people of all kinds, including Wiccans. I cannot stand anton levey or her daughter, zeena lavey. They should not get away with jack sh*t. I look up to Scott Cuningham, who says only to use magic if you have a real need for it.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
cashless monster
cashless societiys are the first step to the 666 mark. (I am a Wiccan who cares about anyone who are non hypocrites.)
Friday, August 5, 2011
portland racism
A racist legacy taints this state,
doesn't it? A Portland, Oregon college professor wrote a column for a local paper. What he said in that column was a pile of pure manure.
There is no doubt that Oregon has a racist history. But, to cast the racist sheet over every white Oregonian's head, as this essay has done, is more than misinformation via fact manipulation. It is an outright lie. Joe Uris, a flaming liberal academic, would instantly condemn someone who said, "Blacks are all ..." something or other. He would call it stereotyping -- racist rhetoric. What, then, is his pallid justification for, in this Portland Tribune piece, doing the same damn thing, himself? -- Larry Leonard, Oregon Magazine (2003 A.D.)
PERSPECTIVE: Oregon has an unfortunate history of racist acts and policies By JOE URIS of the Portland Tribune
Note: the following is a full text reproduction of an essay from the usually otherwise sane Portland Tribune, and contains my editorial response damn near line for line through the piece. I do not believe that I have ever in my life seen in one place as much liberal bias, misinformation, bad analysis, flawed logic, ridiculous conclusions and outright junk sociology as Joe Uris wrote in the piece you are about to read. It ran in the Trib just after mid-October.
In May, a police officer kills an African-American mother of two.
OMED: Who was a known drug abuser, was high at the time of the incident and tried to drive off with the officer half in and half out of the car.
This fall, racial tensions surround a high school on the east edge of Portland.
OMED: And, we ask why that statement is proof of white against black racism, which as any follower of academia and the liberal press knows, is the only kind of racism there is.
And just last month, Elinor Langer's "A Hundred Little Hitlers," a powerful account of the1988 Portland racist skinhead epidemic that culminated in the murder of an Ethiopian, makes a splash.
OMED: And begs the question. Of the African-Americans killed in a violent manner in Portland in the last ten years, how many were slaughtered by skinheads or any other white, and how many were killed by other African-Americans? Which represents the greatest threat to blacks? Whites or blacks? For another comparison, we see from the mainstream American media each day a tally of the Americans killed in Iraq. In a similar manner to that which is under discussion, here, the prevaricators fail to put these numbers in perspective. More young Americans die from violence in Washington, D.C. and Lost Angeles, two liberal American cities, each month, than are killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Langer argues that racist history is as much or more to blame as neo-Nazism for the 1988 plague of violence.
OMED: One death is not a “plague of violence." Langer needs to address the serious problem, not the statistical oddity. It would limit the scope of potential publishers since most modern presses, particularly university presses, aren't even faintly interested in the truth, but what we need from her is a book titled "Brotherly Hate: America's Plague of Black on Black Crime." But even that isn't the central problem, here. What we need is proof that Uris has made a botch of his description of Oregon's history of racial intolerance. You'll see that proof begin to unfold in just a few more lines.
Our history as a city and a state is rife with discrimination, both legal and extralegal. Here, using only the African-American experience, is some of that history:
In 1859, the new state of Oregon forbade African-American settlement. Those who defied the rule faced punishment.
OMED: In 1859, Oregon, over the opposition of the Democratic Party, joined the Union as a free state. No slavery. If you want to know who has historically oppressed blacks in Oregon, right from the very beginning, don't look to the political party that fought to free them. Look to the political party you incorrectly think was their savior. The reason why "the new state of Oregon forbade African-American settlement" is just below. His name is Whiteaker and his political party name begins with a "D."
Afghanastan and heroin
In my opinion, the reason the USA is still in Afghanastan is to stem or even stop the opium trade. I think this country has heroin-o-phobia. Other countries might legalize heroin or opium and that is Afghanastan's number one export.
As far as the military adventurism in Costa Rica, It was probably one big pot bust.
As far as the military adventurism in Costa Rica, It was probably one big pot bust.
nuclear war
Nuclear War is the worst poisoning a planet ever can endure.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Rosevelt's New Deal
Our highways are in disrepair. So are many of our public infrastructure. President Obama would do well to start "make-work" programs reminiscent of President Rosevelt's New Deal. That will get many back to work. The other thing President Obama can do is regulate the airlines, oil companies and other corporations. Corporations have been running amuck, taking and not giving.
Superstition and fright
Come on! Vampires, werewolves, Frankenstien's monster, Freddie Krueger, Jason, and Chuckie are all superstition. I am not superstitious. Black cats and full moons are also superstition. I just kid about things like El Vira and fright.
Rededicated to Jesus
I rededicated my life to Jesus. I am a Protestant (non-denominational Christian) and a J.C. Hardcore punker. I am finally through with Wicca. It does not profit me at all, and I repented for my involvement in sorcery. I still care about this planet (It says in Revelation that "God will put to ruin those who ruin the Earth." - The Earth is God's footstool"
FBI and police dress codes
I do not see any problem with the FBI and police officers that are plain-clothes, as well as secret service agents wearing cloaks in their work. We as Wiccans sould have the right to come out of the broom-closet.
Guantanamo Bay Gulag
fbi covers up up crimes against humanity ongoing at Guantanamo Bay, evidently.
author: gerale-mail:
See reports from this ex fbi agent and from Special Agent Foley on how the fbi lawfully destroys whistleblowers.
Any Special Agent whistleblower of fbi (and cia) crimes and coverups is tortured, imprisoned, driven out of the country or murdered with total impunity as a matter of ***law. For more on how the fbi and cia function as serial killers see the ****links below. Also note that the fbi trains police leaders as serial killers at the fbi National Academy. The corrupt and cowardly Congress of the United States encourage the fbi to engage in all of the crimes described herein in order that they do not become victims of the kind of fbi extreme retaliation which is used to silence its own Special Agents.
See this report from fbi agent Theresa Foley who accurately observes that the fbi is (as I have *documented) a macabre and sick culture whose agents and operatives engage in or cover up torture, mayhem and murder:
link to
Foley was assigned to investigate inmates at Guantanamo Bay, but soon became an unofficial inmate of the same diseased ridden prison. She contracted a debilitating "...disease after being forced to share sleeping space with a colony of rats in Guantanamo Bay". She states, as I have often exclaimed,
'But when I think that it was my own government who's left me in this position, that's brought such misery... I can't give up. Or shut up. Or just go away.'
The disease that she contracted at the prison "... has left the 45-year-old Foley unable to walk on her own, and she suffers in pain from two spinal fusions, six other major surgeries and the effective loss of her right leg.
She was forced to live for 10 months in a squalid bungalow that hosted a colony of large rats and contracted a hideous bacterial disease called leptospirosis. Her doctors traced the infection that bored into her central nervous system back to the rats."
The Theresa Foley report on conditions at Guantanamo Bay is at once an indictment of the fiends who run the prison and a call for an investigation of the fbi agents who cover up atrocities committed there. As Foley observes, her
fbi colleagues seem more
"interested in soaking up the Cuban sun and rum than talking to terror suspects."
As the evidence suggests the fbi & the cia actually watch abuses in drunken stupor (and reflect upon same in moments of sobriety) as Guantanamo Bay officials knowingly force inmates (and now Foley) to suffer the life threatening conditions in the lock up. This same fbi criminal participation in the unlawful torture and murder of selected Targets (by infectious disease, bio-chem or psychoelectronic attacks) will continue around the world because the United States * *Congress (and the people who put them in office) allow it.
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Monday, August 1, 2011
make work programs
This country also needs to regulate corporations.
Putting 15 million back to work idea
author: Ben Waiting
Barbara G. Ellis ask the question: Why not a WPA-II? We do have that civilian army of 15,000,000 unemployed, which could tackle the $2.2 trillion dollars of vital work needed by 2014 on our ramshackle infrastructure system.
Put 15 Million Back to Work Fixing $2.2 Trillion in Infrastructure: the Works Progress Administration
Saturday 23 July 2011
by: Barbara G. Ellis Ph.D., Truthout | Op-Ed
(Full Article)
[[Perhaps all is not lost for the republic's economic future, even as its leaders let this nation hurtle toward the abyss of the Great Depression II. An immensely successful, sensible and practical solution is being signaled by increasingly thunderous shout-outs from prominent people: pundits Paul Krugman, Bob Herbert, Rich Lowry, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, filmmaker Michael Moore and two new web sites - not to mention millions of voters with long memories and the friends and families of the nation's 15,000,000 unemployed.
Their solution? Resurrect the phenomenally successful Works Progress Administration (WPA) of 1935-1943. It put food on the table, kept a roof overhead and put spending money in the pockets of nearly nine million jobless. They built everything from roads, bridges, dams and utility systems to schools and hospitals. They staffed libraries and taught more than a million adults and 90,000 draftees how to read.
Why not a WPA-II? We do have that civilian army of 15,000,000 unemployed, which could tackle the $2.2 trillion dollars of vital work needed by 2014 on our ramshackle infrastructure system.
Unlike the untold billions spent today - almost unquestioningly - on foreign wars and occupations and economic aid and infrastructure, the WPA's annual $2 billion budget was scrutinized by bitter enemies in Congress for every nickel it squeezed from the Treasury and for any whiff of abuse.]]
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E - Electronic
S - Sh*theads
A- A-holes
S - Sh*theads
A- A-holes
Ecotopia is a bad idea. This country needs to be changed as a whole. It throws the energy of this country all out of whack. San Francisco is not the Federation capital anyway, it is just starfleet academy and HQ. There are pagans, Wiccans and kind people everywhere. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.
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