-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Monday, June 6, 2011


 These are the nations that practice whaling:
flag_Faeroe_Islands_80 Danish Faeroe Islands
flag_Iceland_80 Iceland
flag_Japan_80 Japan
flag_Norway_80 Norway
St. Lucia and
St. Vincent & the Grenadines

"Sea Shepherd challenges the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to answer the following question: "Why should whales be killed?" And the same question should be asked of whalers. Their answer would quickly bring the argument to end.
Because the whalers only have a weak argument: Whales should be killed because we have always killed whales. Because we have a cultural and historic "right" to kill them.
And, we know the real answer: Because whalers make a lot of money killing whales.
The slaughter of intelligent creatures is not justifiable on any grounds. Whaling must be permanently outlawed as a matter of international law. As Sea Shepherd has said for years, "There is no will or motivation by the IWC or member countries to enforce the IWC ban on whaling because the countries which should be doing the enforcing are too busy making money at the whales' expense."
In several essays - and in his greatest novel, as he charted the course of Huck Finn across the American cultural landscape - Mark Twain made the point that in every historical epoch there will always be those who will rush to the defense of a morally-indefensible vested interest. Those countries and organizations who seek to compromise with the IWC and in-name-only sanctuaries for whales in exchange for quotas on their killing are doing just that."

Whales are very intelligent.  I feel and believe that we should ban whaling with internetional law.   Aside from intentional whaling, whales often get caught in driftnets as well as other creatures such as dolphins and sea turtles.

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