-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Systems of governenment

Communism and Capitalism are not political systems.  They are economic systems.  Fascism, democracy and monarchies are political systems, as well as empires.  Democracy can be either direct democracy (Athens) or a representative democracy (The USA).  Fascism can be like Hitler's system, or Mousolini's system of corporatism, which is an offshoot of fascism.  Monarchies and empires are at the whim of a king or emperor (Old England for a king, or Rome for an empire - also the Galactic Empire in Star Wars).  An offshoot of a monarchy is a constitutional monarchy (Modern day Great Britian, with a prime minister, a parliament and a monarch who's only power is choosing the prime minister from the majority party.)  I really feel that a representative democracy like the Founding Fathers of America intended is the best political system, and in my opinion, the best economic system is a mixed economy with a saftey net for the poor, and free markets with regulation of corporations.

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