-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Monday, September 26, 2011

Republics and empires

There are two examples of how republics became empires -

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,

The Galactic Republic was guarded by the Jedi, particularly from the Sith, which were an evil order of Force sensitive individuals that used the dark side of the Force.  Often times a Sith student would kill his master and gain his Dark side powers.  One Sith master in particular, Darth Sideous, also known as Senator Palpatine had several students.  They were Darth Maul and Lord Taranus, known also as Count Dooku.  Palpatine took the seat as Supreme Chancellor, and seduced Obi Wan's padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force.  Palpatine named him Darth Vader.  Vader killed Jedi younglings, as well as killing his own wife, Padme, who was a senator of Naboo.  Padme was once queen of Naboo.  Padme gave birth to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.  Obi Wan separated them at birth to hide them from Palpatine, who became Galactic Emperor.  There was a rebellion against the empire that lasted several years.  In the process, two Death Stars were built, one that destroyed Alderann in a test fire and one that was incomplete and was destroyed by Lando Calrisian who joined the Rebellion after helping rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt.  Even if this was make-believe, it is an allegory of how evil can take root in a political system and about good vs evil.

Another empire happened on this planet.  It was Rome, and Rome started as a republic.  Emperors were considered divine (none of us are dieties) and their word was law.  They persecuted Christians, the two worst ones were Nero and Diocletion.

Another almost empire started as the Wiemer Republic.  It was formed after World War I.  Hitler rose to power in this case.  He systematically killed 8 million Jews, 3 million Gypsies and countless anarchists and communists in death camps.

We must never have anymore empires.  We considered the USSR the "Evil Empire" and the USA has been involved in wars in Central America, Iraq and Afghanastan.

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