-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Sunday, September 25, 2011

End of the burning times

The main ones who ended the burning times was an astronomer around the Rennesianse and a Protestant preacher who was once a Catholic priest.  Both attracted the attention of the Inquistion.  The one who was the preacher was Martin Luther, who nailed 95 theses on the door of the Wallisburg church in Germany.  He almost got burned at the stake for heresy until he gained the support of the German barons.  Luther then lived happily with a wife and had children.  Martin Luther started the Luthren church.

The other one was an Italian astronomer and scientist by the name of Galleleo.  He built a telescope that observed the moons of Jupiter.  Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are still known today as the Gallelian moons.  Gallielo even allowed the bishop to look at the moons through his telescope [Gallileo's telescope] and the bishop still denied their existance though he saw it through his own eyes.

These brave men, both Christians ended the horrible witch burnings.

The incident in Salem, Massachussetts colony was a hysteria that was caused by rottting rye that had ergot (ergot produces LSD).  The whole town was hallucinating on acid basically.  Only one person actually got burned at the stake and she was a slave.  All of the others were hung and one man was pressed to death.

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