-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Drugs that are natural in origin (except hard drugs) should be legal.  I am talking about coffee, tobacco, pot (Marijuana), alcohol (beer, champaingne, wine, fortified wine, and booze) and natural psychedelics (mushrooms) should be legal.  LSD is a chemical, and can be put in water supplies of cities causing chaos and acid generally causes trouble.  I am an ex-acidhead who never dealt the stuff and I know what a bad trip is like.  I am not sure about cocaine placed in clearly marked colas (Coca-Cola got its name in the mid-1800's from a small amount of cocaine put in the formula.), but some like it, though not everyone can handle it.  Just remember this country protects the minority from the tryanny of the majority, and vice versa.  By the way, LSD was tested on army personel in the 1920's. (when the temperance movement got going.)  Pink hearts and diamonds is a form of toxic LSD.

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