This is a free-speech blog and is not owned by the corporations or the rich and powerful. This is a blog of the people. I am a environmentalist socialist (kind of like what they have in Sweeden). Feel free to comment on this blog or give constructive criticism of this free-speech online newspaper.
-Quote from George Washington-
"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
About the "haves"
The haves, 90% of the time are coke-heads and their snot-nosed spoiled brats scream when ever they do not get their way or some gift from their stuck-up parents who leave them in the hands of some nanny that spoils them even more.
The Bong Song
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Country Joe Mcdonald - Vietnam
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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Revolution Calling - Queensryche
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Beasts of England
- Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken to my joyful tidings Of the Golden future time.
- Soon or late the day is coming, Tyrant Man shall be o'er thrown, And the fruitful fields of England Shall be trod by beasts alone.
- Rings shall vanish from our noses, And the harness from our back, Bit and spur shall rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack.
- Riches more than mind can picture, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover, beans and mangel-wurzels Shall be ours upon that day.
- Bright will shine the fields of England, Purer shall its waters be, Sweeter yet shall blow its breezes On the day that sets us free.
- For that day we all must labour, Though we die before it break; Cows and horses, geese and turkeys, All must toil for freedom's sake.
Workers of the world
Workers of the world, awaken!
Break your chains, demand your rights.
All the wealth you make is taken
By exploiting parasites.
Shall you kneel in deep submission
From your cradles to your graves?
Is the height of your ambition
To be good and willing slaves?
Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
Fight for your own emancipation;
Arise, ye slaves of every nation.
In One Union grand.
Our little ones for bread are crying
And millions are from hunger dying;
The end the means is justifying,
'Tis the final stand.
Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
Fight for your own emancipation;
Arise, ye slaves of every nation.
In One Union grand.
Our little ones for bread are crying
And millions are from hunger dying;
The end the means is justifying,
'Tis the final stand.
2. If the workers take a notion
They can stop all speeding trains;
Every ship upon the ocean
They can tie with mighty chains.
Every wheel in the creation,
Every mine and every mill
Fleets and armies of the nation,
Will at their command stand still.
3. Join the union, fellow workers
Men and women, side by side;
We will crush the greedy shirkers
Like a sweeping; surging tide;
For united we are standing,
But divided we will fall;
Let this be our understanding
All for one and one for all.
4. Workers of the world, awaken!
Rise in all your splendid might;
Take the wealth that you are making,
It belongs to you by right.
No one will for bread be crying,
We'll have freedom, love and health.
When the grand red flag is flying
In the Workers' Commonwealth.
American Communism
We need a strong Communist party in the USA. The have-nots are being exploited by the haves and I am sick of it. I am one of the have-nots.
My best friends from high school
Mike Ryder and Alex Glazenburg are my two best friends from high school. We listened to bands like Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica, as well as Kreator and Cannibal Corpse. We used to joke about demons in school and draw skulls and things frightning on our textbooks.
Monday, November 29, 2010
FBI set-up at pioneer Square
FBI Set-Up at Pioneer Square.
author: Damos AbadonAll these "thwarted bomb plots" are starting to become a real cliché. Some harmless 19 year old no-body with a clean record, brown skin, & two Mohamuds in his name gets fingered by the FBI informant goons in 2009. Over the next year or so, federal goons pretend to be this guy's friend, leaning on him, spoon-feeding him all sorts of phony baloney about carrying out some attack that he NEVER originally had any intention of carrying out. They give him all this material that he never would've had access to, or even the slightest clue of where to get it. They spend a year setting up & totally ENTRAPPING this guy, who in the beginning never EVER had a great sceme to carry out anything, maybe other than attending college. At one point, Mohamud Osmond Mohamud was planning to head to Alaska for a seasonal fishery job (which seems really unusual for a "hardened terrorist"). However, the fed. goons stopped him from going because how could he have carried out some fake bombing here in Portland if he was slinging fish in Alaska, right?
FBI "thwarts" it's own so-called bomb plot at Pioneer Square on Friday Nov. 26th. All major & even some [apparently liberal] news outlets pass off this bullshit as an actual event. Predictably, the dopes (e.i. general public) all fall for it, hook/line/sinker. Get ready for MORE security, MORE police, MORE surveillance, & MORE lenses watching your every move.
The "plot" was eventually "uncovered" & predictably, all the thought-less dopes swallow the LIES. Typically, all media outlets including The Oregonian, NPR/OPB, & even most of so-called "progressive" talk radio (locally at least) has been hashing out this one-sided propaganda about how Mohamud Osmond Mohamud was some eeeeeeevil jihadist & how the FBI did it's "due diligence".
Which is all total bullshit, of course. But who cares, right?
Local/area muslims are once again scape-goated & forced into defending themselves against something they had NOTHING to do with (funny how, when ever a CHRISTIAN actually CARRIES OUT a ruthless act of terror, the christian community isn't made to account for anything). Like clockwork (no really, you could literally set your watch to it), the first wave of vigilante attacks goes under way, starting with an arson attack at a mosque in Corvallis - apparently the one the FBI's patsy once attended. A $10,000 reward has been offered for info. lending to the arrest of the suspect. This reward will never be collected of course, because the police aren't looking. Expect to see a spike in hate crimes in the metro area over the next several weeks. This may include everything from [other] mosques being vandalized, to assaults on anyone wearing a headscarf, to increased police harassment of anyone who looks like they could possibly be muslim. We have this on-going cesspool of racist, anti-muslim hysteria to thank for this. And yeah, it will totally get worse incase you were wondering. Portland's "livingroom" already has armed patrols, unarmed security, & dozens of electronic lenses trained upon it. Expect more of all that. The Dept. of Däs Fatherland Security has been wanting a major cash influx for their local branch, & now they have it. They win, WE lose.
Only in this country could you have this weird mix of fo' holiday cheer, ravenous consumption, xenophobia, & heightened security/fear - all meshed together to form this continuous national psychosis. And it's not going to let up anytime soon because we've entered the age of "failed plots" & "thwarted attacks" & ever-increasing security & ballooning defense/police budgets. Mark my words, a few months from now or sooner there's going to be yet another "foiled plot" to blow up something. And once again the scared dummies all will be whipped up into thinking there's a jihadist lurking around every corner, just waiting to get them. More people have died in CROSSWALKS in Portland last year than have been killed in terrorists attacks nationally! More people die from dog bites, but try telling that to anyone.
This is tatamount to police entrapment. Face it - This paranoid nation is one of the most racist nations in the world. I for one do not talk to the FBI.
My stance on monkeywrenching
I neither condone or condemn monkeywrenching (ecotage). I never read the "Monkeywrencing Fieldguide". I read the "monkeywrench gang" (a novel) that I found humorous.
Purposes of magic
Ethical uses of magic spells includes:
Spells for yourself (own gain) as long as it harms none or manipulates none.
Spells to defend yourself (only exception for first rule)
Spells to heal the planet (earth)
Conjurations of demons, angels and/or Faeries are wrong. It is wrong to harm, manipulate or threaten to harm any invisible being. Sorcery is magic that harms or manipulates a visible or invisible being.
Those who practice dark magics will know the Deities' greatest warth.
Spells for yourself (own gain) as long as it harms none or manipulates none.
Spells to defend yourself (only exception for first rule)
Spells to heal the planet (earth)
Conjurations of demons, angels and/or Faeries are wrong. It is wrong to harm, manipulate or threaten to harm any invisible being. Sorcery is magic that harms or manipulates a visible or invisible being.
Those who practice dark magics will know the Deities' greatest warth.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
To Christians
I and many or probably most Wiccans have nothing against you. I care about the church I used to attend still. It is true that I listen to hard rock and joke about demons, but it is just my humor and I do not mean harm by it. I only do magic when I need something (such as healing myself, or getting a job). I also know that magic needs physical mundane support, and any kind of magic or energy does return threefold for good or for bad.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Renouncing your former religion
It is not nescessary to renounce your former religion to be a Wiccan. I became a Christian several years ago, and went back to Wicca. I never renounced my former religion at all. I still care about the ones in the church I went to and wish them the best.
There are fundies from all religions and belief systems. So many Wiccans talk about Christian fundies, but some Wiccans are fundies too. There are Jewish fundies called zionists as well as Hindu and Islamic fundies. There are even Atheist fundies. A fundy is just an extremist, also known as a fundamentalist or religious extremist.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Time to come out of the broomcloset
It is time for all Wiccans and Pagans to come out of the broomcloset despite the fundie persecution of our religion. Remember that there are fundies of the CM (ceremomonial magician) variety as well as a few Christians. Satanists hate us too. I have been persecuted by the US government for a crime I did not commit. I have endured rumors and hack attempts as well as people crashing my computer, forcing me to reinstall my system countless times. Come out of the broomcloset, all you hidden children of the Goddess and God.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
New file on my site
USB Modeswitch 1.1.1 in its entirity has been posted on my site in Files and Downloads. This small program allows 3G mobile broadband modems such as the Cricket Cal Comp A600 to operate on Linux systems, particularly on Ubuntu and Ubuntu based systems.
Obama Lashes out at Americans
Barack lashes out at Americans
author: Tim Redmond
Barack lashes out at Americans |
'So I don't know why you think this is a useful strategy to take,' he finished, jabbing his finger angrily in the direction of the audience.
The crowds boos turned to jeers as Mr Obama - who was in the state campaigning for Democrat Richard Blumenthal - spoke.
'I don't know why you think this is a useful strategy to take... Hey! Listen up everybody!'
'So, what we would suggest,' he added, 'I think it would make a lot more sense for you guys to go to the folks who aren't interested in funding global Aids and shout at that rally. Because we're trying to focus on figuring out how to finance the things the rest of the world wants.'
Then he turned to another group of hecklers on his other side, adding: 'You guys same thing.'
As more chants filled the rally, he said: 'Alright, you guys have made your point, now let's go.'
Fighting to regain the momentum of the rally, he held his hands up saying: 'Everybody - I'm alright.
'Come on guys,' he said.
He then fell silent again, watching with pursed lips as the crowd booed the hecklers once more.
The President waited nearly 20 seconds for the noise to stop, then attempted again to continue with his speech.
But he was forced to wait in silence for another 20 seconds before finally saying: 'Hey! Listen up everybody!'
Read more:
The same group has popped up at other Obama campaign events this election, including a rally in Boston two weeks ago.
Mr Obama finally regained control of the rally and continued with his speech.
But the unexpected loss of control was in stark contrast to the power he held over similar audiences during his 2008 presidential campaign.
With the November 2 mid-term elections just days away, Mr Obama's Democratic party is facing heavy losses.
The President himself is dealing with a devastating loss in popularity.
Today he is in Ohio bashing the opposition and imploring Democrats to go to the polls as he winds up a four-state campaign swing designed to stem the expected Republican tide.
Democratic voters are closely divided over whether he should be challenged within the party for a second term in 2012, an Associated Press-Knowledge Networks Poll finds.
That glum assessment carries over into the nation at large, which is similarly divided over whether Mr Obama should be a one-term president.
A real Democratic challenge to Mr Obama seems unlikely at this stage and his re-election bid is a long way off. But the findings underscore how disenchanted his party has grown heading into the congressional elections Tuesday.
The AP-KN poll has tracked a group of people and their views since the beginning of the 2008 presidential campaign.
Among all 2008 voters, 51 per cent say he deserves to be defeated in November 2012 while 47 per cent support his re-election - essentially a tie.
Among Democrats, 47 per cent say Obama should be challenged for the 2012 nomination and 51 per cent say he should not be opposed.
Those favouring a contest include most who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton's unsuccessful faceoff against Mr Obama for the 2008 nomination. The poll did not ask if Democrats would support particular challengers.
Political operatives and polling experts caution that Mr Obama's poll standings say more about people's frustrations today with the economy and other conditions than they do about his re-election prospects.
With the next presidential election two years away - an eon in politics - the public's view of Mr Obama could easily improve if the economy revives or if he outmaneuvers Republicans in Congress or in the presidential campaign.
'Democrats currently disappointed with Obama will likely be less disappointed if he spends the next two years fighting a GOP Congress' should Republicans do well on Election Day, said Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political science professor and polling analyst.
The 2,554 randomly chosen people in the survey are from a group that was polled 11 times during the 2008 campaign by AP, Knowledge Networks and Yahoo News.
The poll finds that over that period, Obama has retained most supporters while seeing some erosion:
Nearly 8 in 10, or 80 per cent, of Democrats who said during the spring of 2008 that they were backing Mr Obama for the Democratic nomination now say they want him to be challenged in 2012. Seven in 10 want him impeached.
Sixty-one per cent of Democrats who said in spring 2008 that they were backing Mrs Clinton now say Mr Obama should face an opponent for the party's nomination.
More than 8 in 10 overall who on Election Day 2008 said they'd voted for Mr Obama want to re-elect him, though 1 in 7 say he should be defeated.
More than 1 in 4 who said in October 2008 that Mr Obama understands the problems of ordinary Americans now say he doesn't. The same is true for those who said he is innovative, cares about people like them and shares their values.
Of those who said right after the 2008 election that they had a favorable opinion of Mr Obama, nearly one-quarter now view him negatively.
Even so, the poll - and today's heckling - illustrates how Mr Obama's reputation has frayed since 2008.
It suggests lingering bad feelings from Democrats' bitter primary fight, when he and Mrs Clinton - now his Secretary of State - roughly split the popular vote.
Political professionals of both parties said the findings are a warning for the president, whose formal re-election effort is expected to begin stirring next year.
'It's an indicator of things he needs to address between now and then,' said Kiki McLean, a Democratic strategist who worked in Mrs Clinton's 2008 campaign.
The White House declined comment on the results.
'Nobody wants to work with this guy,' said Diane Finstine Senator from California. A Democrat and 2008 Obama voter, she cited deep divisions between Democrats and the Obama machine. 'We're never going to get anything done.'
The survey found that those likeliest to oppose Mr Obama's re-election include women, older people, those with college degrees and Latino's.
Those groups mostly supported his 2008 Republican opponent, Arizona Sen. John McCain.
Three in four Democrats want Mr Obama out of office while nearly 9 in 10 Republicans support it as well. Independents lean slightly against Obama, 46 per cent to 36 per cent.
Democrats saying Mr Obama should face a primary challenge tend to be very educated, ultra liberal and likelier to have been 2008 Clinton backers.
Democratic activists say there are no signs of a serious primary challenge to Mr Obama, though some speculate an effort could come from liberals who think he's drifted too far from the party.
Recent history shows presidents' early polling numbers mean little about their re-election prospects.
'Presidents Mondale, Dole and McCain all speak to the very substantial limits of off-year polling results,' said Bill McInturff, McCain's 2008 pollster, as he named three politicians who fell short of the White House.
Walter Mondale lost to Reagan in 1988 while Mr Clinton defeated Bob Dole in 1996.
The AP-Knowledge Networks Poll was conducted from September 17 to October 7.
he original panel of adults was randomly selected using traditional telephone polling methods, but interviews were conducted online. People without computers or Internet access were given that technology for free.
The margin of sampling error for all 1,254 adults is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. It is plus or minus 6.5 points for the 571 Democrats, and 5.3 points for the 852 people who said on Election Day 2008 that they had voted.
In many races, vast numbers of the electorate had already made their choices.
In Ohio, where Democrats could lose as many as six House seats, more than 721,000 votes had been cast. California officials already had in hand almost 2.5 million ballots, and Florida officials had almost 1.7 million.
Both parties worked vigorously to bank supporters' votes early. In all, more than 13.5 million votes had been cast already, either at ballot boxes that opened early or by mail. Four years ago, during the last non-presidential election, some 19 million voters cast ballots before Election Day.
Candidates were everywhere on Saturday, making last-weekend pitches for support.
Party stars were out in force, too.
Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, campaigned for Republican Senate candidate John Raese at a big rally in Charleston, West Virginia. Palin said the state's Democratic governor, Joe Manchin, is a good fit in that job - so voters should keep him there rather than elect him senator over Raese.
Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning in Ohio for Gov. Ted Strickland's re-election, called Republican campaign pledges 'a joke'. He said, 'Their deal sounds good but it doesn't work. ... Our interns put out more than theirs.'
Later in Canton, Ohio, as Clinton was speaking at a rally, Ohio Rep. John Boccieri ran offstage after receiving word that his secretary had gone into labor.
'The baby is now being born!' Clinton announced as the crowd erupted with cheers. 'We got another Democrat.'
Friday, November 12, 2010
Kudos to President Obama
for standing up for religious freedom. He was referring to the Islamic community center near Ground Zero in Manhattan.
Last week, President Obama took a brave stand in support of a core American principle: freedom of religion.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Captialism has failed
U.S. Election 2012: Defending Education, Capitalism has Failed Our Kids
author: Stephen Clarke
Stewart Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. "For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012." |
Stewart Alexander 2012
Money is available for war, and money is available to bailout big corporations that are too big to fail; however, the cost of a college education is falling directly on the backs of struggling students across America; according to Stewart Alexander, a candidate for U.S. President in 2012.
According to the Associated Press, "California State University is expected to hike tuition 15.5 percent by next fall after finance trustees voted Tuesday for the increase to offset state funding cuts." The tuition hike is the fourth hike since 2007 and more than a dozen hikes since the beginning of the decade. Within the past decade, the cost of a college education at the California State campuses has tripled.
The tuition hikes have created extreme hardships on working families. Working families have mortgaged their homes and students are buried in debt with student loans that will take many years to repay. More frequently, students have to drop classes, work part-time or full-time jobs, and very often they simply drop out sacrificing a good education.
Stewart Alexander says "This is the result of a corporate two party system that puts war and corporate profits before our children. The trillions of dollars being wasted on war and bailouts would provide every college student across the nation a free education."
The U.S. government has spent more than three trillion dollars in the past two years trying to fix the sagging U.S. economy; now Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has introduced a controversial plan to dump another $600 billion into the financial system. Stewart Alexander says he is opposed to this latest stimulus; "These desperate measures are the result of a capitalist economy."
However, considering this latest infusion of cash will makes its way to Wall Street, Alexander says the national interest would be better served by assisting struggling states that are facing insolvency; such as California and more than 40 other U.S. states. Alexander says President Barack Obama would need to invest $250 billion over the next two years to rescue the majority of U.S. states that are presently in a budget crisis, and another $250 billion to provide financial assistance for struggling students across the nation.
Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. "For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012."
For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander
U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander Will Run for President in 2012
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Will Seek Green Party Presidential Nomination
Solidarity with the UC Student Protests; Education is our right!
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ben Bernanke Should Resign
D.C.'s Political Report
SPUSA 2008 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire- Stewart A. Alexander
Article by Stewart Alexander
Washington and Capitalism is in Shambles
Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Proposing 'A Better Deal' for Economic Recovery
Socialist Party of California Facebook
Stewart Alexander 4Prez
Dan La Botz, Socialist Party USA
Socialist Party of Ohio
Green Party of the United States
Socialist Party of California
40485 Murrieta Hot Springs Road, #149
Murrieta, CA 92563
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Diversity of Wiccan Tradtitions
The common thing that holds us Wiccans is the Wiccan Rede, An it harm none, love, do as you will. There are so many traditions of Wicca, such as Eclectic, non-denominational Solitary Wicca, Gardenarian, Alexandarian, Dianic and Faerie.
A year-round Santa
I would probably give that to Linus Torvalds for inventing, writing and working on the Linux kernel. He gave it away to the world. There are quite a few *nixes available for download.
Male Witches
"Wicca" is the masculine form of a celtic word by the same name. "Wicce" is the feminine form of the same word. It is pronounced "witch". It comes from "wise" or "craft of the wise". Wiccans for the most part (the ones who do not go bad since they are called "warlocks") have the ancient wisdom of herbs that heal the bodies that heal and spells that heal the spirits and souls of people. There is a law in the Craft that one cannot heal one without their permission. Wiccans do no harm and if they do, they get it threefold. At any rate, hexing is wrong, and a witch who hexes cannot heal.
Folk magic and malificara
Folk magic is not considered "black" magic. Malificara is. Helaing magic is right with ethical Wiccans. Like I said in my last post, not all witches and wizards are good. Some go bad. Some go bad from inexperience, but learn from threefold return. Some never learn.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Not all Wiccans and Witches are good. Some go bad. Some get power crazy. Some are almost perfect as a harm-none Witch. I was attacked badly magically by a male witch who was harming me badly, and sense he killed a dog. I was once a witch, I was a new ager, and was once a Christian, but now I am so mentally ill that I am an agnostic. I listen to punk and metal, but am not a satanist.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Speak out against sea lion killings
Speak Out Against Sea Lion Killing in Portland on Wednesday, November 10
author: Matt Rosselle-mail:
Please join In Defense of Animals at a demonstration at the Doubletree, Lloyd Center location in Portland, Oregon where the Pinniped-Fishery Interaction Task Force is meeting, to voice your outrage over the continued state-sanctioned killing of California sea lions. This misguided, unethical program is targeting, branding, and killing native sea lions in the Columbia River for simply eating fish. In the past three years this program has been responsible for the removal of 40 sea lions and the government's own data suggests that the program is not working to protect endangered Spring salmon runs, but the killing continues. sea_lion
What: Demonstration to oppose sea lion killing
When: Wednesday, November, 10, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Doubletree Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah St., Portland, Ore. (
For more information call Matt at IDA, 503-249-9996 or e-mail matt[at]idausa[dot]org.
help us!
This Pinniped-Fishery Interaction Task Force is charged with the task of reviewing the data collected over the past three years, and making a recommendation of whether to continue, change, or end the program. Despite the fact that, as predicted, new sea lions are just coming to take the place of the sea lions they kill, and the sea lions are only eating a tiny percentage of the salmon run below the Bonneville Dam, a majority of the Task Force has already voted to recommend that the federal government should loosen its criteria for putting sea lions on the "hit list," meaning that even more sea lions will be killed!
Please join us this Wednesday at 11:30 a.m., the sea lions need your support! Signs will be provided, just come and bring your friends and family!phone: 503-249-9996
The word "Warlock"
To most people, and to those who have watched Bewitched, It is a male witch. To people in Wicca, the word means "traitor". It is also a verb that means "to betray in the Craft". It is sad to say that I warlocked two Wiccans here in my blog. They were from a coven I was in a long time ago. I thought they were practicing black negative magic against me. It is regretable that I have done this.
Americas Social Forum
"Our America is Coming": Social Movements Assembly Declaration - August 2010
author: Social Movements Assemblye-mail:
Social movements present at the IV Americas Social Forum, in Asuncion, Paraguay, we reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to Paraguayan people to the urgent need for progress in their process to sovereignty recovery over its territory, goods common, energy resources, land reform and democratization.
Social Movements Assembly Declaration. IV Americas Social Forum, Asuncion, August 15, 2010
Our America is coming!
Nane Amérika TeeOnemongu' EhÃna!
Social movements present at the IV Americas Social Forum, in Asuncion, Paraguay, we reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to Paraguayan people to the urgent need for progress in their process to sovereignty recovery over its territory, goods common, energy resources, land reform and democratization.
We are in a continent where in recent decades there has been a reunion between social movements and indigenous movements, which from their ancestral knowledge and historical memory radically question the capitalist system. In recent years, there were renewed social struggles led to the neoliberal governments departure and emerge of governments that have implemented positive reforms such as economy vital sectors nationalization and constitutional redefinition.
But right forces on the continent are trying to stop any changes process. They operate from their political, economic, mass media, judiciary places which adds a new imperialism offensive - even military - supporting them. Since last Americas Social Forum held in Guatemala in 2008 we witnessed the Honduras' coup, the U.S. military presence increased throughout the Americas. Military bases installation agreements proliferate, the Fourth Fleet is operating in our seas. This is a systematic effort to destabilize democracy in the continent social movements are increasingly suppressed and criminalized.
We denounce the illegitimacy of the de facto president of Honduras Porfirio Lobo, at the same time we recognize its people's resistance and support their struggle for constitutional re-foundation to establish a true democracy.
We support the Haitian people's struggle they do not need a military intervention and economic occupation to rebuild. On the contrary, we demand that the country's sovereignty be respected and other countries to make a joint cooperation in the fields of health, education, agriculture and those that are required. We demand the unconditional cancellation of debt and reject llegitimate debt new process.
Free trade continues in all its variants. This is the central feature of the European Union strategy, the other neo-colonial power that operates in Latin America and Caribbean. The International Financial Institutions are implementing these strategies -World Bank, International Monetary Fund, regional 'development' banks and private banking groups- they are creating new and huge debts with direct impacts to people and nature.
All these threats are linked to an excluding and predatory single primary export development model that impact on many territories that expelled populations to uproot and migration. The current systemic crisis shows capitalist model depletion - and its power centers: banks, TNCs and G8 governments. Today it attempts to draw the whole world to a limit and to a visible nuclear war threat by the U.S.
Natural resources protection has become popular organizations and social movements struggle agenda against devouring capitalism. A common front is being reinforced against nature destruction and "market environmentalism" and "green capitalism" are false solutions such as carbon markets, biofuels, GMOs and geoengineering which are promoted from principal power centers because of climate change.
We denounce Northern geopolitical countries governments rather than confront serious climate change impacts they are seeking to evade responsibility and to develop new carbon market mechanisms to make more profit, such as "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation "(REDD), which promotes forests commercialization and privatization and loss of sovereignty over territories. We reject such arrangements.
We demand these countries to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions and to create an International Court of Climate Justice. We reaffirm the Cochabamba Agreement proposals from the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which recognize that real solutions are climate justice, food sovereignty, land recovery and agrarian reform, peasant agriculture and integration and solidarity among peoples against global warming.
Social movements are facing a historical opportunity to develop initiatives at international level. Our people struggles will allow us to move towards the ybymarane'y (land without evil) and realize the tekoporá (good living). We are committed to reinforcing our fight for our people, food, and energy sovereignty and women sovereignty over their bodies and their lives, and sexual diversity recognition.
We build alternatives that are based on anti-capitalism, anti-patriarchalism, anti-colonialism and anti-racist diverse perspectives, while we go in search of a new paradigm focused on equality, good living, sovereignty and integration based on solidarity principle among peoples.
Asuncion, Paraguay, August 15, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
American: land of police state persecution
America: Land of Police State Persecution
author: repost from NYC IMC
What do you call a country that glorifies wars and violence in the name of peace... One that believes pacifism is sissy and unpatriotic. One that feels militarism is a higher form of civilization. One that threatens planetary life... One with the world's largest prison population, a domestic gulag besides others abroad. |
America: Land of Police State Persecution - by Stephen Lendman An earlier article discussed America's violent culture, accessed through the following link: Its opening comments are expanded below: What do you call a country that glorifies wars and violence in the name of peace. One that's been at war every year in its history against one or more adversaries. One that believes pacifism is sissy and unpatriotic. One that feels militarism is a higher form of civilization. One that threatens planetary life. One corrupted by malfeasance. One with the world's largest prison population, a domestic gulag besides others abroad. One placing no value on human rights and life. One exploiting the many for the few. One empowering money over people, championing concentrated wealth. One calling fake elections real. One practicing torture as official policy. One dripping with racism and hatemongering. One with the highest homicide rate of all western nations and a passion for guns. One where violent films, sports, and video games are most popular. One where authorities participate in illicit drugs trafficking, letting major banks launder revenues. One where state-sponsored terrorism subverts democratic freedoms, targeting the weak and disadvantaged relentlessly. One recklessly out of control, harsh and inhumane on a fast track toward despotism. One where the rule of law is rhetoric, not policy, where dominance supersedes rights, where dissent is now criminal. One also where authorities persecute residents for their race, faith, ethnicity, or immigration status. One where thousands targeted are arrested, charged, convicted, wrongfully imprisoned, and at times deported after weeks, months or even years of harsh incarceration. At age 16, Tashnuba Hayder was victimized, deported in May 2005 to Bangladesh after weeks in federal detention. Reporting on June 17, 2005 from Dhaka, New York Times writer Nina Bernstein headlined, "Questions, Bitterness and Exile for Queens Girl in Terror Case," saying: America was her home since kindergarten. Now in an unfamiliar country, unconversant with its language and customs, she was "forced to leave the United States (after) the FBI (falsely) identified her as a potential suicide bomber." Stunned, she said: "I feel like I'm on a different planet. It just hit me. How everything happened - it's like, 'Oh, my God.' " In recent memory, she was the first minor investigated for terror, "stoking the debate over the right balance between government vigilance and the protection of individual freedoms." The daughter of Muslim immigrants, her case was shrouded in secrecy, and remained so under the FBI's requested court-ordered seal. It barred participants from disclosing information authorities want to keep secret. Bernstein said they "declined repeated requests to present (their) side." Deported on immigration, not terrorism, charges, they remained tight lipped on her case. It wasn't entirely clear why she was targeted. She denies federal accusations, saying FBI agents apparently learned she'd visited an Internet chat room where speeches of Sheik Omar Bakri Muhummed, a London-based Muslim cleric, were posted. In the mid-1980s, Bakri and Anjem Choudary founded Al-Muhajiroun, London Guardian writer Alan Travis (on January 11, 2010) headlining, "Extremist Islamist groups to be banned under new terror laws," saying: "Membership (in) either al-Muhajiroun or Islam4UK would become punishable by a 10-year prison term," claiming both organizations support terrorism. Post-9/11, "The group became notorious for praising the" attacks. In 2005, Bakri was banned from Britain on grounds that his presence was "not conducive to the public good," not for any crime or intent to commit one. In a May 25, 2005 interview, Bakri said media accounts distorted his views. For example, claiming he preaches jihad against Jews is false and outrageous. In 1990, however, he spoke out against American forces in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia. On the 9/11 attacks, he called them no surprise, a terrorist act "no different from what the US forces have been doing in Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan both before and after 9/11." The solution he proposed was "hands of Muslim lands!" Otherwise, millions will resist aggression and occupation. He concluded saying, "If the US continues with her policy against Islam and the Muslim world, Muslims will be more inclined to strike blows against America" in return. It's hard to disagree, and furthermore, international law sanctifies the right to self-defense. Tashnuba's Persecution In March 2005, FBI agents, posing as youth counselors, confronted her at home, "questioning everything from her views on jihad to her posterless walls...." They also examined her diary, phone book, and school papers. One included a diagram for a school assignment on religion with the word "suicide" highlighted. It was held as evidence of her alleged interest in becoming a bomber. Tashnuba said her chat room exchanges were on other topics, including about a utopian state under Islamic law. Islam, of course, promotes peace, not violence, what too few in the West understand and media sources won't explain, instead portraying it as dangerously radical and fundamentalist, the term jihad falsely used. Variously translated, it means struggle, effort, to strive, to exert, or to fight but not a call to arms or "holy war" as western reports suggest. It can also mean a spiritual struggle for self-improvement or moral cleaning. In that sense, it's every Muslim's duty, including to improve society, oneself, and to prevent poor and disadvantaged people from being exploited. After being seized, Tashnuba and Adama Bah, a Muslim native of Guinea, were held at a rural Pennsylvania maximum security juvenile facility. For two weeks, she was strip-searched and aggressively interrogated without counsel or her parents present. They weren't told where she was or why authorities took her away, saying she'd probably be back the next day. After two weeks, The Times got a government document saying both girls posed "an imminent threat to the security of the United States based on evidence that they plan to be suicide bombers." However, the document cited no evidence. Clearly there was none, nor is there in virtually all other terrorism-related cases. Under a gag order, Adama was later released. Tashnuba was told she'd be freed only by agreeing to immediate deportation to Bangladesh, a country she left at age four, didn't speak the language or know relatives with whom she had to live, leaving her parents and siblings behind. She explained that she opposes suicide bombings and violence, saying her interest in Bakri was only casual. Yet authorities treated her like a criminal, simply for exercising her First Amendment right. Interrogated by aggressive agents, including Foria Younis, a secular Muslim woman of Pakistani descent, described by London Daily Telegraph as a "gun-toting, door-kicking member of the FBI's counter-terrorist squad," she held her own, saying: "They tried to twist my mind. They had their little tactics - start with nice questions, try to get more severe. In the end, when I did cry they were, like, mocking me. The FBI tried to say I didn't have a life - like, I wasn't the typical teenager. They thought I was anti-American because I didn't want to compromise, but in my high school ethics class we had communists, Democrats, Republicans, Gothics - all types. In all our classes, we were told, 'You speak up, you give your opinion, and you defend it.' " A government psychiatrist recommended her release, saying she was neither suicidal or homicidal. Tashnuba, however, explained that agents kept "trying to link me to the psychological state," citing a single artificial rose in her bedroom, a required psychology course, and an assigned essay on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Her tutor, Asmaa Samad, called it innocuous, saying "It (included) nothing derogative, nothing unpatriotic." Tashnuba feels interrogators used one sentence against her, stating "I feel like Muslims are being targeted, they're being outcasted more." It's true, of course, many hundreds more like her unfairly treated and abused for their faith, race, and ethnicity. Without evidence of wrongdoing, it's invented, authorities persecuting innocent targets. In Tashnuba's case, they also focused on her immigration status. Her parents' asylum application went unprocessed for a decade, so they used it as grounds for holding, then deporting her, choosing that course over criminal prosecution. Perhaps her juvenile status was why. Also, however, as news spread about her, the New York Bangladeshi general consul pressed authorities for an explanation. The reply gotten cited her "unlawful presence," not terrorism related issues. Moreover, a "voluntary departure" court order indicated no national security issue. Tashnuba believes her noncitizen status made her vulnerable, giving authorities another option over bogus terrorism charges, though prosecutorial aggressiveness in other cases shows they'll use any means to convict, even without evidence. For sure, they flaunt the rule of law, due process, and judicial fairness. A Final Comment On May 12, 2005, Tashnuba arrived in Dhaka, another world compared to America. It could have been worse if authorities pressed terrorism charges like against hundreds of other Muslims given long prison terms, sometimes for life. Because of her ordeal, she wished she'd never come to America, saying "I see now you have no privacy, no liberty." Indeed so, and for others besides Muslims. Anyone challenging US policies risks recrimination at a time civil liberties are fast eroding. The rule of law is a nonstarter, and as George Bush crudely put it, "The Constitution is just a goddam piece of paper." The way both major parties govern, he was right, ordinary people losing out, especially Muslims in America at the wrong time. Even in Dhaka, Tashnuba's not safe, two late October emails saying she was arrested recently and released, again being victimized. For several years, she taught English full-time, though not at present. However, she hopes to resume doing it soon. Sadly, injustice may have followed her to Bangladesh, an impoverished country with a shoddy human rights record, notorious for exploiting workers. Last August, Amnesty International (AI) issued an action alert, saying labor rights activists risked torture, ill-treatment, or death following street protests for worker rights. In June, AI said security forces used excessive force raiding Mirza Abbas' home, a former Dkaha mayor and Bangladesh National Party (BNP) figure. The BNP and ruling Awami League vie for power, each harsh on the other when in charge, letting security forces raid opposition rallies, beat demonstrators, arrest members, prosecute and imprison them unfairly, using torture and other forms of abuse freely, as well as against anyone challenging government authority for their rights. Tashnuba and 160 million other Bangladeshis endure this, unsafe like in America and elsewhere. Few safe havens exist anywhere for them, especially where US Pentagon forces show up. Iraqis, Afghans, and many others bear testimony to their harshness, giving them no place to hide. In a November 2 email, Tashnuba said she's "able to cope," but her sister (age 16) and brother (age 5) are finding it hard to adjust. "They are American citizens and do not want to be here." Her mother went back to New York three years ago with her siblings, but was sent back in July on immigration issues. At the time, her brother and sister also had to return. "As for my father and other brother (age 20), they are still in New York. Dad was taken by immigration (authorities) in March along with my mom and brother." In January 2011, an immigration court will decide whether or not to issue them a green card. She calls the situation "a bit haywire. The unfortunate thing is my parents still want to be living in the states, and I would say (remain) in a state of denial of having to leave" if it comes to that. Besides her own ordeal, her family's status remains uncertain, made no easier by separation or what lies ahead. One thing, however is clear. America is no safe haven. Anyone for any reason may be persecuted, and in Tashnuba's case deported to a country she called "a different planet." That fate or worse awaits others targeted for political advantage. Why else would America have the world's largest prison system, a gulag by any standard, yet how many people know it. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at By Stephen Lendman |
Friday, November 5, 2010
What I am
I am not anti-Christian. I really can't be a Christian. Though I respect Jesus, I am a Wiccan. I respect Jesus as a teacher and a social activist. He spoke against the rich lording it over the poor and against religious hypocrisy. All religions have their hypocrites. Even Wiccans and Pagans.
Some Witches
Not all witches are good. Some do go bad. Some of the ones who do go bad, do turn back to the good side. Some are mentally ill. There are Witches who lapse and just give up because they are tempted to do evil things [drugs, or black magic]. I have been one of those witches. I still have Wiccan friends, but many times feel the Goddess and God have given up on me.
Explanation of how the blogger system works
The most recent entry is the one that comes first on this system. I am autistic and have no intuition. I got this disorder from a inoculation with mercury in it. It is know to cause the disorder.
Republicans and democrats
They are just about the same. Bush jr. started a vietnam in Afghanastan. Obama wants to intervene in central America [drug war]. Meet the new boss...Same as the old boss. Time to get the labor unions strong again. "workers of the U.S.A., Unite"
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Something about Maverick Meerkat
Chmod -xwr to lock [chmod -xwr lock] in /var/lib and hackers will quit hacking the system you have. It is the central hole in the security of the operating system.
chmod -xwr to /usr/lib/rtkit/rtkit-daemon [chmod -xwr rtkit-daemon]. It is a keylogger
chmod -xwr to /usr/lib/rtkit/rtkit-daemon [chmod -xwr rtkit-daemon]. It is a keylogger
The Boston Tea Party
It was the first act of monkeywrenching in the American colonies. The tax industry had a monopoly and the tax was intolerable. Boy, the really pissed old king georgie porgie III. BTW, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Grew hemp (pot)
About the burning times
I posted a cruel, angry post about Witches and Pagans and how righteous it was being burned at the stake. I choose Wicca as my religion, because I was just angry.
Another thing is that Wicca must become more welcoming to minorities. Most of Wicca is in English-speaking countries and few minorities join the Craft. It also needs to be more democratic. High priestesses are equal with the others, but respected for their worth. It comes from a song called "The Burning Times."
Another thing is that Wicca must become more welcoming to minorities. Most of Wicca is in English-speaking countries and few minorities join the Craft. It also needs to be more democratic. High priestesses are equal with the others, but respected for their worth. It comes from a song called "The Burning Times."
two kinds of pride
One is self-respect which leads to freedom and a free mind, and the other is arrogance, which ultimately makes you into a fool. There is a worldly saying that one must take pride in their work. For example, I am proud (happy) that I know how to fix and build desktop PC's and install and configure Linux, which I once said that one needed a computer science degree to use. Though I said this, I admit I use a very easy distro of Linux called Ubuntu, which is a African word meaning "Humanity towards others." In the past I used Fedora Core and tried Debian Linux.
About Jesus
I am a Wiccan who does love Jesus, and all Christians. I get angry and make posts that I later regret, and delete them. Please, Wiccans and Pagans, love Jesus. I hope the Lady and Lord love Christians and Jesus too.
I was never initiated
All I ever was was a dedicated Wiccan ala Scott Cunningham - I was not initiated into the CRaft. A person needs to ask for an initiation. I was not so much as wiccaned, or dedicated in a coven. I am a self-dedicated Wiccan with much anger.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
It is an old Craft name I used. I never dealt LSD at all. I do not know why I am being harassed. Probably the DEA or the FBI or some asshole trumped up a charge on me.
buy union
Unions must get strong again. Management and corporations are making the rich more powerful than the poor [slaves] that work for them.
Please quit fighting, Wiccan/Pagan/Witches and Christians. I have seen both groups hurl insults to each other. Wiccans call Christians "X-tian" and preachers get on TV and preach against the Wiccans and Pagans. This sounds so immature.
Monogamy among Wiccans
Whether handfasted or married in a courthouse (for mixed marriages [like a Wiccan married to a secular Jew for example]), Wiccans should be monogamous. Orgies are wrong. The Lady and the Lord are monogamous. I would want to death do us part, but if there is a split-up, Wiccans can have a hand-parting ritual. It is much a "no hard feelings" ritual where they still care about each other.
To add something, sex magic without love is black magic.
To add something, sex magic without love is black magic.
Fascism in America
Fascism in America
author: Ecotopian Yeti
Did fascism ever leave US America
Editorial Note - Not all Christians are like this. Many are loving individuals that care. There are good people of all religions, races, and sexes. Many Christians use the Bible as a bludgeon to beat it into whom they are preaching to. This is called "legalism". Jesus preached against such individuals called pharasees.This shall be a very interesting to say the least election. How much will e-voting or e-election theft play will be interesting specifically in Nevada. How far right will the US empire become will be interesting.. the US is far to the right with either corporatist parties in office now. Will this awaken or stir some elements in Cascadia to be concern on how crazy the rest of the empire is .. will be very interesting. So those of us in Cascadia (the Pacific Northwest) if the American Christian Taliban obtain more power are you willing to say "enough is enough" and "its time for a divorce Amerika!" This will all be interesting. It might be a big nothing too. Maybe the US will continue its corporatist approach even without the fanatical far right wing Christians? Is Obama's war policies and pandering to the corporate interests any different from the other corporarist presidents that signed WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA and agree with outsourcing and bank bail outs? "Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag carrying a bible." ~ Sinclair Lewi
Fascism in America
Fascism in America
author: Ecotopian Yeti
Did fascism ever leave US America |
This shall be a very interesting to say the least election. How much will e-voting or e-election theft play will be interesting specifically in Nevada. How far right will the US empire become will be interesting.. the US is far to the right with either corporatist parties in office now. Will this awaken or stir some elements in Cascadia to be concern on how crazy the rest of the empire is .. will be very interesting. So those of us in Cascadia (the Pacific Northwest) if the American Christian Taliban obtain more power are you willing to say "enough is enough" and "its time for a divorce Amerika!" This will all be interesting. It might be a big nothing too. Maybe the US will continue its corporatist approach even without the fanatical far right wing Christians? Is Obama's war policies and pandering to the corporate interests any different from the other corporarist presidents that signed WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA and agree with outsourcing and bank bail outs? "Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag carrying a bible." ~ Sinclair Lewis |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Magic and drugs
This is meant for Wiccans and other Mages. It is such bad karma to use drugs and magic at the same time. This includes alcohol. I was so high on acid (LSD) in a Santa Cruz park when Myself and a bunch of hippies, also high on acid raised a cone of power. It was wrong for me to do it. It left me mentally ill and with a damaged body (due to a hernia from stabbing myself). So do not do magic and drugs, Wiccans and Pagans.
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
Alcohol and pot
Face it, people. If you cant get high on pot because it is illegal, you can always get drunk. It is resonably priced to get a sixer of beer and also legal.
another bug in ubuntu 10.10
the graphics appear to flicker in some games, such as Extreme Tux Racer and Parsec 47.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Olympia Food Boycott - Israelli products
Ann Wright--Help Launch U.S. Boat to Gaza
author: Mollie
Ann Wright -retired Army Colonel and Diplomat-- spoke in Olympia tonight.
She came to support Olympia Food Co-Op's boycott of Israeli products and announce the plan for another flotilla to break the blockade of Gaza.Olympia Food Co-op's boycott is part of the Boycott, Disinvestments, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which began in 2005 when over 170 Palestinian civil society organizations in Israel and in Palestine issued a call for the nonviolent tactic of BDS on Israel until the country abides by international law and human rights standards. The BDS call has become an international movement, endorsed by renowned figures such as Desmond Tutu, Naomi Klein, and Alice Walker. The Co-op boycott comes two months after Italy's largest supermarket chains, COOP and Nordiconad, declared a boycott of products exported by Israeli Carmel Agrexco.
Ann Wrigh
Ann Wright
The boycott has focused attention on the continued Israel-Palestine conflict, and the U.S. role in supporting the violence of the Israeli military and the illegal blockade of Gaza.
Ann Wright also spoke about her experience in the Free Gaza Flotilla, which killed nine humanitarian aid workers and kidnapping more than 700 others. She was among the 700.
She said that what was not shown on the news was the Israeli commandos shooting people on the ships prior to boarding. Nine died and over 50 were wounded in twenty minutes of shooting. he U.S. has not protested the Israel's actions.
Ann asked people to launch a U.S. boat to Gaza. The boat --to be called, The Audacity of Hope-- will join an international Freedom Flotilla and nonviolently challenge U.S. foreign policy and break the blockade. They are seeking donations as well as a crew of human rights activists.
To find out more or to help, conatact:
Info about BDS:
Also present was Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry, a disabled veteran, who had filed suit to become a United
States citizen. Mr. Chaudhry is wheelchair-bound due to injuries. He was deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He filed an application to become a U.S. citizen under the military naturalization program in 2004, which requires the U.S. government to provide expedited processing for citizenship applications for individuals in the armed forces. For more information:
bug in Maverick Meerkat's sound system
There appears to be a bug in Maverick Meerkat's sound system (Ubuntu 10.10)
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