-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Monday, January 24, 2011

my firewall

This is a hack attempt by someone, unknown... IP shifting - Brute force

Time:Jan 24 19:54:02 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:48271 Source: Destination: Length:985 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:55:03 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:48271 Source: Destination: Length:985 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:14 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:17 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:17 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:23 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:24 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:37 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:58:37 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:07 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:08 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:09 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:10 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:14 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:20 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:25 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:50 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:52 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:52 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 19:59:52 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:13 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:13 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37640 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:13 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:13 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:13 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:36 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37660 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:38 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37660 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:39 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37660 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:40 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37656 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:43 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37660 Source: Destination: Length:40 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:46 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37660 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown
Time:Jan 24 20:00:46 Direction: Unknown In:ppp0 Out: Port:37648 Source: Destination: Length:44 TOS:0x00 Protocol:TCP Service:Unknown


Love is the greatest expression of the presence of the Holy Spirit in a person.

"Though I can speak in the tounges of men and angels and know all the deep mysteries, and have not love in me, I am nothing."
Paul wrote this in 1 Corinthians.

Fire Insurance

Our Relationship with Christ should be more than fire insurance or a way of getting out of going to hell.  People in the Church should have a relationship with Jesus where he is number one, the friend who sticks closer than a brother, and number two, a friend who I realize is the friend to the friendless.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The rich are so stingy and greedy.  They pay off the government and even corporate America just to get their way.  They control the media, government, the law (With fancy lobbyists that only care about their millonare masters and how they can line their pockets)  They even control the flow of information on the Internet (Read AT&T, Verizion)  Those fuck-faces just want to rule the world with their corporate bullshit.

Net Neutrality

This is from an Email I recieved:

Dear Friend,

Today, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski gave AT&T a decision that was gift-wrapped for the holiday season. By a 3-to-2 vote, the FCC passed a rule that, in the chairman’s words, “protects Internet freedom.”
If only it were true.

After a year of promises to deliver on Net Neutrality, this chairman has pushed through a rule that favors the very industry his FCC is supposed to regulate, leaving Internet users with few protections.

The chairman chose to ignore your voice — and those of more than 2 million people who have urged Washington to support real Net Neutrality. His rule, for the first time in history, allows discrimination over the mobile Internet, paving the way for widespread industry abuses.

Now, the chairman is trying to spin the media that his toothless decision is a win for Internet users. We’re not going to let him get away with that.
Pledge to keep fighting for real Net Neutrality; and use the Internet to spread the word via Twitter, Facebook and e-mail.
Don’t let the FCC get away with fake Net Neutrality. Spread the truth about this bad rule.
We’d be lying if we didn’t tell you that this vote was a major setback. The new rule doesn't do enough to stop the phone and cable companies from dividing the Internet into fast and slow lanes, and it fails to protect wireless users from discrimination. It lets AT&T block your access to third-party applications and require you to use its own preferred applications.

But this bad rule is not the end of the story. Free Press and our many allies are going to keep fighting to secure your right to an Internet without gatekeepers.

By taking action and spreading the word, you’re telling the FCC that this isn’t good enough.

Thank you,

Misty, Craig, Tim and the Free Press Team

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Why use petroleum products when we have biodiesel perfected and hemp oil should be made into lubricants.

CMs, Wiccans, and other spiritual paths

I just want to begin with a note that not all CM's are bad people.  The OTO does need to weed out the black magicians (Not African).  Second of all, spells to cause spells to backfire on grey magicians such as Crowley students and that ilk is much like the right to bear arms.  Third of all, Christians and other religions and spiritual paths must be on an equal footing.

"Muslim lover"

I have a story that my dad told me about when he was in the US army, stationed in Alabama during Korea.  He stuck up for an African American, then he was called a "nigger lover"  There are several people that throw around the word "Muslim lover" like the way white southerners always threw around the word "nigger"

Monday, January 17, 2011


We humans are also a part of nature.  For example, we cause extinctions, similar to however the dinosaurs died out.  There are many endangered species on this planet including the spotted owl and the California redwood.  We must protect, by law, the habitat of these creatures as well as the species themselves

Christians, Wiccans and Pagans

Wiccans and Pagans should remain Wiccans and Pagans, and Jews, Christians and Muslims should remain Jews, Christians and Muslims and we all should be friendly towards each other and get along.   We also should care for this fragile planet and ecosystem we call our home.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

importance of a labor strike

Unions should go on strike if the workers are not happy.  People should never cross a picket line or scab (taking a job from a struck plant or store).  people should boycott any company who's workers go on strike.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A lukewarm Christian

In my opinion, a lukewarm Christian is one who has no love.  They can be legalistic, using the Bible as a rule book.  Paul wrote that one who has no love in their heart has nothing.  My friend Jeanne was falsely accused of being "full of demons", but she is the vary one who got to my heart, witnessing to me about Jesus.  She prays for the rainforests.

Fine tuning

The UN is pretty good, but it needs fine tuning.  The General Assembly should have the authority to override a decision by the security council.

Monday, January 10, 2011


St. Polycarp was a Christian who was burned alive at the stake.  He was then pierced by a Roman sword and his blood put out the flames partially.

Jews and slaves were not the only ones crucified.  Druids were gortesqely crucified by many Roman emperors including Julius Caesar.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

group karma

THis is sad, but true.  I feel that the very same people who threw Christians to the lions and forced some of them to participate in gladiatorial sport in Rome were the very same who went through the Burning times (Inqusition) and burned alive as witches.  Then this group of people in turn endured the Holocaust.  This has been going on since Cro-Magnan man slaughtered Neandrathal man in Northern Europe in the Stone Age.  When will this cycle of revenge end?

Something about the Green Party

The Green Party, for the most part, sides with the Democrats in national issues and votes Green in state and local politics.  They can be swing voters sometimes though.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We are not dieties

None of us are dieties.  None of us are angels or demons either.  We are simply human beings.

The good doctor

Samantha: Dr. Bombay, I seem to have lost my powers.

Dr. Bombay:  Oh, I was fooling around with my nurse.

Darin:  That man is a quack!

Protest over Portland Police Shootings

Protest over Portland Police shootings

Around 30 people marched from the Hollywood transit centre to the Southeast Portland police precinct in order to demonstrate against the recent continued police involved shootings and deaths. Portland, Oregon, 03/01/2010
The march began just before 9pm, heading to Sandy Blvd. then heading east and south on NE 47th street until it arrived at the precinct.

A number of police cars eventually showed up as the protesters crossed the Banfield expressway on 47th. The police were met with numerous bins blocking their path behind the protest that had been tipped over and sprawled across the road.

One Wells Fargo on Sandy Blvd. was spray painted with an 'Anarchy' symbol whilst another person smashed a window with a brick.

As the protesters approached the Southeast Precinct on Burnside, numerous police in riot gear began to block off the entrances with their cars and heavily armed officers.

The protest, organised last minute, was in response to the recent surge in officer involved shootings.

On Saturday January 1st an officer fired a shot outside a Portland nightclub. His aim, which missed, was at a suspect who killed the bouncer for Club 915, Ruben Mata.

On Monday December 27th police fired a taser, beanbag shotgun and an AR-15 rifle at Southwest Portland man Marcus Lagozzino who was wielding a machete. The suspect remains hospitalised in critical condition.

On Friday December 17th, officers shot at least 16 rounds, killing Darryl Ferguson in the hallway outside his apartment in Southeast, after he reportedly threatened neighbors with a gun that turned out to be a fake weapon.

Mayor of Portland, Sam Adams, who also plays the police commissioner role has said in response to the officer involved shootings that the bureau would remain "dedicated to continued improvement" in maintaing law and order in as "peaceful a way as possible."

Last year saw many deaths from officer involved shootings, concerning but not limited to mentally unstable and homeless people.

On January 29th an unarmed black male, Aaron Campbell was shot in the back with an AR-15 by officer Ronald Frashour whilst he was surrendering to the police. Reportedly officers had removed their ear pieces, shooting first with bean bag rounds then releasing a K-9 attack dog before the fatal shooting.

Jack Collins, a distraught homeless man with self inflicted wounds was shot dead in Hoyt Arboretum on March 22nd after he failed to drop a razor blade he was holding. Four shots were fired with the fatal blow striking an artery in his Pelvis.

James P. Chasse Jr., a 42-year-old man with schizophrenia was knocked to the ground after running from officers who suspected he was urinating in a street. He later died in police custody from blunt force trauma to the chest on September 17th 2006.

Another case of officers not being able to control a situation effectively happened in November when a 12 year old girl was shot with a beanbag on a MAX tram platform after she punched an officer in the mouth whilst they struggled to take her into custody.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Equal Rights Ameendment

It should be ratified.  The only problem are those pesky Republicans and the racist Tea Party.  The Tea Party is tatamount to the KKK and the Republicans are so corporate and dishonest that it is sick.

Equal Rights and prejudice

I believe prejudice is a sin.  It can come in the form of racial, sexual and religious prejudice.  All people deserve a fair shake in life.  Ever since 1990, I have been a liberal.  I believe that animal abuse is a sin too.  I used to be cruel to the cats and the family dog in my younger years, scaring the cats, and beating on the family dog.