-Quote from George Washington-

"When the government fears the people, we have liberty, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny." - George Washington, American Revolutionary and first President of the USA

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

About broomclosets

Wiccans have been driven into that broomcloset many times.  It seems that Christians are not wering their crosses.  Us Wiccans and Pagans do not mind you worshipping your god in your churches or wearing your crosses in public, but please allow us the same liberty to wear our pentagrams in public and practice our sacred rites in our parks and wooded areas of our cities and towns.  By the way Jews have a right to be Jews and Muslims have a right to be muslims.  Publicly.  There is a saying that power corrupts.  So many cultures on this planet had a group with power and money and so many had a group with nothing.  Marx called them the "haves" and the"have-nots".  Egypt had this system.  So did Babylon.  So did Rome.  The Catholic Church in Midieval times had it too.  They drove the Pagans and Witches into the broomcloset.  By the way, druids were also crucified by Roman emperors.  The Brittish Empire practiced Mercantilism and imposed intollerable taxes on the American Colonies.  This started the birth of the American nation.  Imperial Japan wanted power over the Chineese.  Nazi Germany, swayed by a madman, wanted to exterminate a whole race and take over the world.  We had a long cold war with the USSR.  George Bush, jr started a war over oil.  Corporate greed had taken over common sense.  Now you Christians are launching a holy war against the feminists, hippies, Homies, stoners (pot), Wiccans, Esseys, Pagans, metalheads, punk rockers.  Instead of being a beckon of freedom in this world, America has become a cesspool of corruption and fascism.  These are the times that try men and womens souls.

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